New Hose Supplier

That’s because you’re pulling the hose with the nozzle. Pull out enough hose so that you don’t need to do that. I’ve never had a hose blow within 20’ of me. But then I tend to replace mine every 12-15 months.

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Mine is simply a soft casing (the hose company). Ordered some Goodyear a few days ago. Hopefully that holds up to 150 degrees lmao… 311 rated my butt!

Not exactly sure what you are asking, but I detailed my build earlier:

That doesn’t happen

I tried to buy a wfp conversion kit to use the pw with it and the only company that made it is in the uk. They didn’t even respond to me. How does the end hold up? Do you have to retape it often?

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Never had to re tape it, it’s solid.

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The hose company hose (left) vs the Goodyear hose (right).

Good year’s casing is thicker. Haven’t used but I can already tell that it should hold up to heat better so the crimps don’t slide off due to a thin melted casing. I only ran 130 degrees or so with the hose company and it melted it… rated to 311? Mmmhm…… not!

Hold the hose company up to jgb. Jgb is even thinner than the hose company.

Did you get 1 or 2 wore Goodyear?

1 wire and I dont even want to try jgb after what I’ve heard here lol

New good year hose on the reel. 200 ft then 100 ft section after that. A little thicker than hose company, still single wire.


Just ordered 2 Good Year hoses. They aren’t cheap. I hope they last longer. I’m tired of hoses blowing. This has been a terrible year for me with blow outs.


I’ll never buy a jgb hose again. They supposedly had a bad run so should be fine. I’m done with them tho. There’s a pretty big difference in thickness between any 1 wire and 2 wire because there’s more wraps of wire. I compared a jgb 2 wire to hose company 2 wire above and the hose company was thicker. I’d like to compare the 2 wire hose company to 2 wire Goodyear. I need to order some new hose. Goodyear is twice as much as others and the Kevlar is 3 times the cost of regular hose. It comes with a 1 year warranty so might be worth the added cost. I’ve never heard of another hose having a warranty. Hopefully the Goodyear holds up for you.

I hope it does too! I probably won’t ever go 2 wire, Too heavy I’ll just stick with one wire LOL. I replace these ones or twice a year anyways.

Look at envirospecs severe duty hose, super pricey and a warranty, never used it though

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I considered that a couple times. I wonder if anyone here has actually used it with good success? I moved to two wire after countless blowouts. Except Second to last time I paid almost $500 with shipping for a 200’ roll of gray non-marking 2 wire, and it didn’t even last 6 months. Now I buy two 100’ sections from CWC supply (they are in California about 3 hours away so cheap 1 day shipping) and attach them with a 45 deg, high end stainless high pressure fitting, and they roll up nice on the reel. Only $113/hundred feet. No issues yet but if it does fail $150 with tax and shipping is way better than $475. Pressure Washing Supplies - Products and Equipment –

Yo have you (or anyone) ever used a hose end fitting like this repair a hose with success? Maybe @dperez would likely know. Pressure Washing Supplies - Products and Equipment –

Of course it’s all I ever ran on the trucks. 100 hoses x 2 so yeah I’m familiar lol what’s your question exactly?

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Do those things actually hold up? And can they be used on any brand hose, also either 1 wire or 2 wire?

There are different sizes so one won’t fit both 1 wire and 2 wire.

Be sure to lubricate the hose before assembly. I have only tried them twice but on the same hose. I didn’t have much luck with them but it might’ve been me overtightening them because the rubber part of the hose broke off. It as also an older hose. Both times it got me through the day tho so can’t complain. Plus, Dez uses them and they hold up for him I believe.

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I tried it on two sections earlier this year.
Neither section lasted long.

One was good for one use and the other was good for a few uses and then the hose busted in another section.

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