What tips to order help

You def draw more with undersized injector . I use a 2-3 gpm 1.8 injector on 4gpm.machine and it’s like 8-1 or 9-1 @Harold


You need the spring with no spring you won’t get suction @Infinity. Drill out injector will probably work I never tried it though

See this thread:

Interesting I tried with no spring and I got no suction @Infinity. I see use a washer instead of spring thank you

I think the key is they’re using a star washer so the ball doesn’t block the opening on the other end

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Awesome man thanks

you should call these grumpy buckets and sell them for $25 @Innocentbystander


So I’m bored and did the math. The gp injectors have 9/64” opening in the barb. I was able to safely drill one out to 11/64”. I thought to myself, what difference could 1/32” possibly make?

If my math is correct, it’s an increase of nearly 50% area. Holy smokes. Can’t wait to try that one out.

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Those are for 12v or air pumps.

This one is all 1/4 made for downstream injectors …same concept though

That won’t matter…it’s the size of the orfice

Let me know how that goes.

Maybe. But I was thinking on the fact that the xjet uses a 3/8” barb.

It stands to reason that if your injector is undersized and pulling like a freight train, that the barb might be a limiting factor in how much solution can be delivered.

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You are correct, didn’t think about that. In that case, I’d love to see what your guy has for downstreaming. If you decide to go with it or have any info I’d be interested in seeing it. Thanks again for all the information and help.

Haha @Infinity you are an inspiration . Now I’m going to be drilling and experimenting tomorrow

I’ll take a pic next time I’m there to buy chems

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Sheesh, just buy a super suds injector from Envirospec, comes with 4 different stainless orifices. May be able to order just those. All of their injectors you can just screw in the different sized orifices with an allen wrench. Have a friend who put a spare one of his before I bought mine, in my stock injector and heck sucker pulls so much soap I rarely use. My 8.5 will pull about 12-1 with it.


Hmm. Would a super suds sucker work for roof washing?!

No. GP injectors have screw in orifices also. SSS and general pump injector are identical, SSS just does better marketing, ie truth stretching)

So their 3 to 1 ratio is bovine fertilizer? Thank you. :slight_smile:

It’s not a bad injector. They just didn’t have the most honest owner. They have changed ownership now. The SSS has followers because you want to believe it is better if you offer pay by 4 times lol. I bought some years ago.

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