What tips to order help

Alex, any chance you have a pic of how your 3 way valve is set up? I would love to add one and pull water from my buffer to flush out everything when I am done. Currently I just pull my injector hose from the chem bucket and place it in a bucket of clean water. I would love to eliminate that step. Thanks in advance!

:+1: no k7, but good to know

Left line goes to buffer tank, right line goes to chem tank. Pay no mind to the injector bypass also in the pic :grin:


Awesome man, thanks! Do you have the line to the buffer just going through the top of your buffer?

Nope, I actually installed a half inch Banjo bulkhead, custom fit a stainless strainer to the inside of it, and then adapted a 1/4” barb to the outside. Way over-engineered, but oh well :man_shrugging:

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That’s basically what I do. I cut a 1/2” pvc pipe that goes from the underside of my lid down to about an inch from the bottom of the tank, then run my pickup line through top of the lid and the pipe. The lid screws on and holds everything in place.

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I have a small hole cut out of my lid on my buffer and just run the hose to a 18in sprinkler riser with a 45 elbow and a half in thread 1/4 barb. Drop the riser in your buffer.

If I downstream acid (neutralizing decks …etc ) degreasers or whatever I just pull the riser out and drop into a 2 gallon bucket.

Drawing water through injector makes a huge difference. Going on 2 months with same injector


I like that idea a lot @Patriotspwashing. And I really like that you can potentially downstream two different chems with that set up. Definitely going to have to add this to my set up. Thanks for all the information guys. @Innocentbystander I had actually thought about a similar bucket set up, but want to try and run it to the buffer and get away from the bucket altogether.

Essentially same set up on my buffer tanks and chem tanks
Buckets was for acid and potash

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What size machine? And what size injector? I’m interested in maximum draw but I’ve never heard of this?

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The $15 3 way valves from pressurtek are worth it.

My local lands dealer/chemical supplier has a nice set up for $250 I’m going to get soon. It’s all mounted on a stainless steal plate with a manifold that has three barbs/hoses coming out and you can control each with its own valve. All sh resistant with check valves. One line going to downstream injector.

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  • 5.6@2500 pressure pro
  • 2-3 gpm gp hi draw
  • not sure what exactly you’re referring to? The 3 way valve probably introduces a neglible amount of resistance, especially using an undersized injector.

I was just looking for the info on using undersized injectors. Not saying anything about resistance. I’m gonna order one undersized to see if I can get a hotter mix. Thanks


Two things I’ll be experimenting with soon to increase draw rate (just for kicks, I don’t really need a hotter mix than what I can already pull):

  1. Injector with spring removed
  2. Drilled out barb on injector

@Innocentbystander Ah…Yea, I guess I see that now. Thanks man, I guess there is a valid use for buckets still! I wasn’t following you when you posted it, but I’m with ya now!

@Patriotspwashing Thanks for the pics! I like that set up a lot. Definitely adding this to my set up. I’ve looked at a few of the different manifold set ups and they are nice, so something that I want to look at eventually. I’ve seen the proportioner, the pro-mix a lot, and Doug Rucker has one. I assume they are all basically the same as what your describing.

My spring broke once and pushed water into my degreaser instead of draw