What should I put where


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Thanks @Hotshot, I’ll definitely look them up.

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That’s the only thing I don’t like is how it will
Look after a year. And I don’t have time to polish it!

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I got different acids for different stuff. I’d use an acid on it to give it a satin finish, not a dull grey look ,like blue beacon does. Easy peasy poly sprayer application, or for big jobs, Like whole aluminium trailers, We DS it. @SchertzServicesLLC

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Ha! Now there’s no excuse not to.


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The other big thing stopping me is the installation of this rear plow. They have to remove my hitch and mount in a custom one. Most aftermarket beds (that I like) with skirts have them built in. I’ll have to cut on whatever bed I get to let the mount through.

Take the fancy new bed off and find a beater flat bed for it at scrap yard or alike @SchertzServicesLLC

Nooooooo lol

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I’m all for a flatbed. It would have to have skirt boxes though and that drives the price up a good bit.

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It doesn’t have to look trashy. but you ain’t no beauty queen either @SchertzServicesLLC , No matter how pretty your truck is.

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100% new bed with goose pre installed. Gotta keep her pretty!


Oh BABY !!! 2 please :pray: @SchertzServicesLLC
Dude I’d polish that bad boy and put a sealer on it to last atleast a year.

I didn’t know they had such a sealer? Hmm

They do. And there close to you…
I use the heck out of it, Its no BS and truly works.

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How much? That thing is sexy.

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I think they are about 5k

Just paper with ink on it right???

So my trailer needs revamping or pick up another one. New or used? What size? Open or closed? Single or dual axel? Brakes or no brakes? Considering I have no experience and looking to start part time on family and friend homes until I feel comfortable enough to offer some services to the general public. I haven’t set a budget, I can afford new but I’m not sure I want to spend too much until I see if it’s something that works for me.

Note: It needs to fit in a standard 2 car garage :unamused:

Dual, With atleast one axle that has brakes. I have open trailers, but getting a dual 5200 lb axles enclosed before winter, We wash all year, I thought when I first started that I’d never be able to fill up and max out a 16’ dbl axle trailer, now I have 2. Both maxed out. Go figure, @Dtejada. Lol

With a dual, you will more than likely always have to use a vehicle to move it around. If your not going to do hot water, I dont think its all that necessary. A honda motor weighs what 100lbs, and a 30 to 40 l s for a pump, maybe 40lbs of gas, 60lbs of SH, 30lbs buffer, 40lbs hose, 3gall of elomonator, 30lbs Surf clnr. Dont blow a wad on excess if your not ready to move up. Master it 1st. A 3700lb trailer is plenty, and so is a 2k trailer. Dont carry h2o or jjst not alot. Id hate to see you jist spinning your wheels just trying to get started. If the market is there, youll know its time and the $$ will be there too.