Truck washing (Soaps, Tips and Tricks)

Now I feel more reassured…haha

Time to go wash some trucks

Yeah right lol

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I’ll run a separate small 20 gallon tank that is plumbed into my system via a T and ball valve. I’m going to dump all my water out of buffer tank like @dperez said. Then close buffer supply valve, then open valve to 20 gallon tank that has 100% antifreeze mixed @50/50 with water. Turn on machines, machine, with no tip. Hold trigger open until you see green antifreeze, turn off machine. now you completely winterized. Start up machine next day, squirting antifreeze back in to its dedicated 20 gallon receptacle ,stop when you see fresh water. Test frequently for potency of antifreeze.

Or talk your wife into letting you get a 18’ enclosed trailer ,insulated the inside with 1’ pink foam board ,and run a cattle heater all winter when not in use. then no dumping buffer
tanks and call it done …
That’s my plan of attack this winter. I did the antifreeze for 2 winters, it sucks ,but
works. @GeorgeNicholson

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I don’t know how cold it gets up in your area but I use RV antifreeze. That automotive antifreeze is high dollar. If it gets down into the teens and stays there it will slush so it will need a few hours to liquefy but it won’t expand and break stuff. The only difference in what I do is the RV stuff and I also blow EVERYTHING out with compressed air.

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Your spigot supply hose is another issue. just run it all out off reel, drain as much as you can.

I blow it back into the tank

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Gets to zero here frequently. I can’t rely on Rv antifreeze. I tried that route. so I just recycle my automobile 100% antifreeze mixed @ 50/50. went through 5 gallons last winter. top it off when it needed refreshing.

Don’t mind me lol

Nah man you give GREAT Intel brother @dperez , where just in different climates is all, I’m not whining, I could be living in Nebraska like @GeorgeNicholson ,lol.

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I bet he only breaks two small parts this winter. Care to wager?

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Nah, I wouldn’t wish that on him, but I would quad drupal up on any plastic fittings that have water run through them though…:thinking:

Hey truck wash fellers!

What’s a good soap I can use on the new truck that is touch free? Preferably something I can foam cannon on. All my old trucks I use a brush to scrub off the bugs. But I don’t see myself doing that on this truck.

Also prefer something I can get easily and not in a 5 gallon jug.

I’m also running cold water.

So a lot going against me lol

Where you located at? If around the KC area, look up David Ryff and get some Nerta. It worked well enough for me as a 1 step on the Hy-Vee trucks if I remember correctly.

I can’t remember the name of his company though. You can find him on the Fleet Wash Academy page or Fleet Washing Professionals on Facebook. He is the only dealer in the US, so he says.

Also if you believe everyone on those pages the stuff they sell at southside equipment is a pretty good 1 step as well.

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I don’t mind 2 stepping if it works better. But I know very little about it.

If I can do it, you surly can do it as well. But, do you want to spend $300-$350 for two 55 gallon kits plus shipping? It would probably last you 3 years if it has a shelf life that lasts that long.

Went to my local Landa dealer today after cleaning some trucks. Had to pick up a soap nozzle as mine fell off the trailer when I was driving down the road (my dumbass forgot I put it there). Told them to just send me the bill. Open up my email and they are charging $12.95 for the damn thing. Same one I can get at PressureTek for $4.81. Told them I will be bringing this one back. This is the second time they have tried to price gouge, first time was on some 1/4" soap hose and 3/8" water supply hose. Bought 12 feet each of the two hoses and got a bill for damn near $100. Drove right up there and asked what the f*ck, same stuff I could get online for 1/4 of that price and double the supply. But I was in a bind and needed it. They knocked off 50% as soon as I said something.

That’s 2 strikes and I am sure I will not allow a 3rd strike. I’ll just move cleanings around if I am in desperate need of a part. That is freaking crazy! I could strangle someone for sending me that price on a QC Soap Nozzle.

My local PW supply store is insane on their pricing as well. I buy little things from them because I like to support local businesses but for the big ticket items I always shop online.

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I just emailed the owner. I initially emailed stating I would return the item but decided to pay for it as it wouldn’t have been worth my time to return it and then go to home Depot to buy one for $8. He asked why I paid for it if I was going to return it. My response to the owner:

I decided it wasn’t with the hassle of returning it and then go to Home Depot to save 5 bucks as I need it before my replacement part will get in by the end of the week. I have learned my lesson to ask for price before I leave. Just assumed it would be priced within 50% (or even 100%) of anything you could find online. This is the second time and just assumed the first was a clerical error as the price was changed when I brought it up. I’d prefer to keep my money with local small businesses as well but will not be able to if I am having to pay 250% more than the same product on an online site

One thing to consider is that online retailers buy in bulk (or nowadays don’t stock at all, they have everything drop shipped from the factory or warehouse), reducing their cost greatly. If a local retailer can’t buy certain items in bulk, it’s going to be reflected in their pricing.

There is also the “convenience store tax” so to speak. Most people will pay extra simply for the convenience of having it right now. And local retailers know that.

I don’t see anything inherently wrong with charging for convenience, but I do think above average retailers should have their prices clearly marked.

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Believe it or not. That LA awesome at the DG ,Downstream @ 100 % works pretty well if you ain’t wanting to buy truck chems in bulk. $3 bucks should do your trk…
Or suck up to @ShinedUP
He gets it for 50 cents a jug.