Truck washing (Soaps, Tips and Tricks)

They sell it anywhere other than DG? I won’t spend a red cent with them after this last winter…

I can’t buy gallons anywhere?

Then FD … @SchertzServicesLLC. Maybe wally world ,But dunno about that

FD? Who dat?

Family dollar

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Nobody sells truck chems in gallons, unless it’s a free sample that the give you to try there elixir. check you local chem Dudes, someone around you must have the recipe for caustic brown soap @SchertzServicesLLC
Get ya some good HF while your
at it, and check back. 2 steppin ain’t rocket science. Ya just have to be smarter than a house squirter to use it. Yucka,yucka

I knew it wouldn’t be long till you started pimping that HF haha

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I fully understand convenient pay scale, but ■■■■ shouldn’t be 250% higher either. I’d pay up to double if I was in need, not 3.5 times

Whaaaat… LOL.
@SchertzServicesLLC only got a cold water, HF is perfect for a CW machine. helping a brother out is all.

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I ran into the same at my local Landa dealer. When I can buy it online and have it in 1 or 2 days I am not paying 2x or 3x locally. Reminds me of the car dealerships. :astonished:

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I think you can get itt at any dollar store regardless of the name. I’ve only tried it on gutters but it worked good for that.

Same here, my closest PW parts brick and mortar is 2 hrs away, LANDA pimp. $125 for a super swivel . :-1:, no thanks

LA awesome ain’t even close to a good quality truck soap, just wanna clarify that. But it does work in a pinch. just ain’t nearly as strong and is a PITA to rinse off compared to my truck chems.
And while I’m @ it , Don’t listen to @GeorgeNicholson anymore on truck warshin advice. he’s a house squirting fella now.
Nobody likes a quitter.

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Humor, Humor. Kinda. :rofl:

You can call me a quitter once I squirt SH. Haven’t done it yet, and wouldn’t happen till next year. Which I said I wanted to do some cedar shake roofs next year as I see a need here.

What ever. I’m so disappointed. lol

Have you tried a stainless steel or brass ball valve instead of the poly? I am just curious if you think they’ll last longer than the poly valves. I hate the small handle on the 1/4" poly ball valve from pressuretek, I need something with a little more to grab a hold of. I think it’ll be a problem come winter time with gloves on

Something like this:

And then buy a pack of these to go along with it:

I’m going this route next @GeorgeNicholson . I agree with you ,I don’t think the valve knob is big enough and I’m constantly breaking them.
But I’m also worried that the ones you have up top won’t hold up to HF and PH acids.


:thinking:… Interesting.

They will even have a foot with molded in metal nuts to bolt it down to something