Born and raised in Omaha, NE. Joined the Army at 17 years old and retired after 21 years. Flew unmanned airplanes “drones” and continued doing this after retirement. Spent an additional 2.5 years 3 miles from the front line in the fight against ISIS. Decided it was time to stop playing Army and get a real job. Worked in the parts department at Bobcat in Omaha. Met a lot of good hard working people there. A family friend has a side business of cleaning trailers and trucks at a meat processing plant. Makes roughly a grand a month doing it and he wants to pass it onto me when he retires (he’s 65). I got myself a used Landa skid power washer (4.7GPM at 3500psi) and had it mounted on a trailer. I was doing a side job every other weekend cleaning a Bobcat skid steer and a couple of large Doosan front end loaders. Decided I wanted to be debt free and take this adventure on 100% as a full time job, not just part time work. I went back to deploying, currently in Syria (Feb '19) and once I am debt free and equipment is paid off I am jumping two feet deep into the business. So starting next year around this time I will have the capital to properly advertise.