Now remember @GeorgeNicholson…Treat super sonic just like HF for polished aluminum. SS is way safer than HF ,but will still fuzz polished aluminum. That trailer I did ,I had to tarp the rims and utility box. Then wash rims and box with my citric and safe soap
Wow, that’s plenty hot enough. I’d do a bucket test again to be sure man. I’m around 40:1to 50:1 on most my stuff. But I’m also weekly or by weekly, big difference. I think @dperez was right, there was no telling how long it’s been since they got a good bubble bath to break the road film. I think you’ll be brushless the next go around at a much higher ratio than 15:1
I hope so. I’ll probably do a bucket test tomorrow or when I get out to do my Runner Freight account Monday.
Nice work on them BTW. I remember the wiper marks on the propane truck you did a good while back. See what good products can accomplish ? Not one mark on that glass you just did. Not one bug on grill,chrome looks good etc
That’s awesome
The learning curve doing this is steep. But once you get there (which I am not) I would think it’s only minor adjustments from there on out. I am getting closer, the aluminum part is where I need to really get that wow factor. I’ll try the 80% in a poly sprayer and rinse. I’m tired of looking at the gas tanks and still seeing crap on there that I cannot get off without a 15* tip and 180* water temp.
If your gonna get involved in poly spraying aluminum @GeorgeNicholson , remember to do it after you wash,because that Dyna clean will ruin all your hard will brown streak it ,leaving you with that, what the heck just happened !!! it looked great a minute ago!! If you look close at the top of that box,super sonic is trying to clean it. It’s just not hot enough, I charge $20 to do this as an added service. Whole trailer frame, $45. But if you do it once. Then after that your regular 2 step will probably keep it nice without poly spraying all the time. Nice trick to have when wowing a new customer
Forgot to ask regarding the 80% for flashing the aluminum. This is after you mix it into your 55 gallon drum right? I’m assuming so but just want to make sure.
I’m gonna spray it on and then hitbitbwith water within 10 seconds to rinse off right?
Yes, on the 55 gallon mix you already have,just take it out of your mixed drum then mix that at 80% to water. But you can let it sit for a spell longer,it’s not as quick as HF. Just don’t let it dry. Won’t hurt nothing. You’ll just have to reapply. Under my trailers super sonic sets for 4 minutes or so before he can get to it and blow it off at the tail end. But it’s under shade.if it’s not ,he just mist’s it to keep it wet until he can get to it. You’ll get the hang of it man. It’s not HF ,so don’t worry so much.
Just wait till christmas. I am sending you a nice bottle of bourbon. You’ll have to send me your address. You have been head and shoulders above everyone in helping me out. I can’t wait till I can show you some amazing photos like you have shared with us!
I’m going to have to revise my opinion on the 2-step gun. So far in less than 6 months of use the 3 way soap valve has cracked, bypass ball valve cracked, bypass hose line burst, injector cracked, the 3/8" to 1/4" coupling cracked, and now the vacuum hose is starting to split in multiple places exposing the chemical lines inside. That’s 5 separate times I’ve been in the middle of work and had to stop because something failed with the gun in just half a year. It’s incredibly frustrating. I know everything breaks but it’s much more of a hassle because you can’t just bring out your back-up 2 step gun like you can if your regular gun or lance breaks or hose bursts.
So yeah. It cleans super well and makes washing go by quicker but it’s really heavy and it WILL fail on you on a regular basis. Definitely trying to get my upstreaming set-up going here by the end of the month.
You are using the pressurewashstore gun right? I wonder if the Hydro-Chem gun would be more durable.
As far as upstreaming, do you plan on backing down the psi while upstreaming? I’m still not sure which route I want to go. I am leaning towards the 2step gun though.
yeah it’s the powerwashstore version. it might be but I’d imagine they’re pretty similar component-wise. yeah I’ll probably put in a tip that gets me to about 2500 psi or so. the good thing is you can still two-step like this. just downstream your acid and use a ball valve or remote switch to turn on and off your 2nd soap. that’s my plan for the future.
I think the #2 soap benefits more from the high pressure than the acid does.
I am pretty new to all this and I would 100% agree with this.
I’d love to see how you would accomplish the DS of your acid and upstream your soap. That is about as good as you get from both worlds I would think.
What is the actual ph on the SS and Film fighter fellas ? I’m not knocking your upstreaming #2 idea, I think it’s a great idea @pressureguy , just don’t wanna see you destroy pumps every month. If it went through a pump in 6 months, big woop deep doo. Because you saving alot of time and $ washing it be worth it. @dperez would know this
Me and the wife are heading 2 and 1/2 NW of us to visit a new PW shop today. Supposed to be a huge facility. They have hot water skids lined up like cord wood. Also with the steam option, upstreaming, DS,2 stepping, 2 step gun ,udor,legacy etc. thought I’d bore the wife for 3 hrs or more and look at everything. Curious about the steam option. Gonna bring my buried jars of loot ,It mostly Landa,Hydrotek…
Stopping on the way back to get more polishing pads,new right angle grinder and rouge @pressureguy . Wife is sooooo excited. Lol
Sounds like A&A, see about getting you a Whitco. Have a safe trip man
Could you put this at the base of your trigger gun and have a ball valve there as well to switch between both chem lines and make this work for a gerry rigged 2 step gun? The chem lines would be ziptied to your pressure hose.