There is a clear choice

Ummm, no. The incumbent is like no other US politician in countless ways. There wasn’t one previous thread but several. I’ve made my request. I expect it to be ignored but I think it’s a mistake.

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Trump wants to/has cut down regulations (Ex. Obamas clean water act…) even if you don’t agree it’s good news for us. I’m all for discussing politics in ways that are impactful to our industry’s health.

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Look at this guy!! Lol, thought he’d have a swing while at the same time wanting the thread closed :joy::joy:, your clever Sasquatch lol.

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MmH, that’s neither positive nor negative. I’ve heard many of his fan say it or something similar.

I get what you’re saying about locking the thread. That’s the easy way to go about things but I think one reason why our country is so divided is because conversation is always being shutdown either intentionally or by name calling. Both sides are guilty of it. Certain names are thrown around way to easily nowadays. I use that wall thread as an example. When someone throws around the race card even though there are legitimate arguments why a wall could help it just keeps people from talking. Nobody wants to be called a racist especially when they know they aren’t. Name calling gets people nowhere and can shutdown a conversation in a snap of the fingers.

I guess one could argue social media also helps to divide. My wife will look on those neighbor pages and people are always nagging on others for the dumbest reasons. I’m not talking politics. Just in general. It’s definitely a different world than it was 20 years ago. Almost every thread on there turns into an argument. It’s nuts.

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You hit the nail on the head. Both parties do it.

Regardless of what side people are on “we the people” will never be given the opportunity to hear each sides arguments clearly, from the horses mouth so to speak. I am more talking about the presidential candidates. The “debates” are truly useless in the way they are ran, agree or disagree if you want. I would personally like to see the candidates go through their policies and their reasoning behind them all at one time separately. Then follow up with a debate or several debates and they could break it down to one topic at a time, but there needs to be real discussion and at a minimum of an hour each topic. With them clearly debating that one subject. Of course this would not solve everything but it would help to see what each candidate actually believes in.

It would really be nice if we could get some honest candidates but that will never work within the two major parties.

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My goal is to teach my kids to tolerate people with viewpoints they don’t agree with. Whenever you run into someone with viewpoints you don’t understand or don’t agree with it’s a great time to listen. You might learn something, you might not, but it beats yelling and screaming.

Social media makes it so much different now… hate can find it’s way into your home 24/7/365. Of course, my parents were convinced MTV was going to corrupt me and I turned out… well maybe not a good argument. :sweat_smile:


I getta kick outta ya’ll saying no politics, then open up this thread with 26 new posts within 2 days lol.


My choice has some character flaw, maybe immaturity caused by life of luxury and wealth. The other not-my-choice is proven corrupt and then some.

I chuckled when I read this. Our parents must’ve been very similar. Well, it was more of my dad than my mom. I didn’t really watch it but my older sister always would if she could get away with it.

How can someone say no politics when there’s a politics section? :smiley: If people would be civil it wouldn’t be any big deal.

@Hotshot you need to be quick and say your piece bud before censorship kicks in, we don’t have much time, rip a few good ones, quick!

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@Hotshot I’m voting for you. Gotta put Arkansas back on the map.


Can you imagine what the White House would look like if @Hotshot was in there …lol. He’d have chickens living in the Oval Office, slabs of meat hanging in the situation room in the basement, and Mrs. Ewe nique grazing on the front lawn. Actually, that might just be First Lady Mrs. Ewe nique. :smile: You have my vote. At least in another 4 years. :grinning:


He’ll soup up an 18 wheeler as his limo.


Don’t play coy with us now, you can tell us how you really feel.
Surely we can all have a reasonable discussion about it…

Damn son! That is some fine journalism :ok_hand:

You just described both candidates lol


Not by far. Facts, name the Trump corruption.

Yeah, im psssed that a bit. Im more worried now about biden not conceding, or simply the big democrat cheat.

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