There is a clear choice

I definitely agree with that. There are also plenty of voters that don’t have a clue about any of the candidate’s policies and only vote along party lines. I think this goes more for Congress rather than president and is what keeps these people in for life.

I also agree that every American should vote. It’s what helps make America the country it is. When you live in a free country it’s easy to take it for granted. It’s a personal choice though so I can respect that too. I just think people who only check boxes because it says Republican or Democrat does more harm than good and keeps them in office way longer than they should be. It’s pretty easy to see most of them as crooks when you live in the state of IL…lol

I find it interesting to have healthy discussions with other business owners as I find they have a unique view. I don’t personally feel that anyone has degraded anyone else individually on this topic at least, but I can see your concern.

We have members with deeply held opposite views. The reason we get along so well is we don’t discuss it.


So far, everyone is being very civil. I hope that can continue.

I personally don’t like to moderate topics like this, because it’s very easy for me to get sucked into the discussion.

Hopefully @Steve & @squidskc can keep a close eye on this thread while I take a step back.

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I’m just here to say that I hate all of you equally and your political inclinations have absolutely diddly squat to do with it.



At least your fair. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Come here you big lug for a super smelly Sasquatch hug! :grin:


I ABSOLUTELY agree that (healthy) discussions about social and political issues are cornerstone to a healthy democracy.
I also ABSOLUTELY agree with @marinegrunt that citizens should stay informed on social and political issues and the candidates for government.
And that is all fine and dandy in principle.

But in reality, we live in a world where there is no truth.
If a person doesn’t like another person’s argument then can easily dismiss it as fake news, political spin/narrative, alternative facts, alt-x/left/right wing propaganda and lies.

In this world there are no healthy discussions about political or social issues, and the only reason people are staying civil in this thread, is that most are holding back.


Which is what is required, in part, for healthy discussion on hot topics. :smiley:


Let’s try religion first and see how that goes!


We kinda did. That is why @Infinity isn’t voting I would assume. Religious reasons that is.

I’m agnostic, I’m right in the middle. I’m of the belief that you can’t be born as a child and know that there is a god for sure, you are raised to think that way and that becomes fact off of no evidence only opinion of the ones that influence you so therefore it’s not proof it’s just a belief with no factual focus behind it like actual science. We simply don’t know what we don’t know.


I think just like there are physical truths 2+2=4, and water boils at 212degrees. There has to be an ultimate spiritual truth. Yes geographic location plays a role in what your taught. But where logic and science fall short faith must step in. That’s the pill no one wants to swallow the fact that it is mere faith. I feel Jesus reveals himself to all in some way. It’s my duty to represent him in deed and word not because of religion but because of relationship. I’m flawed and mess up a lot but I do try. As far as science and theories go I really think string theory is on to something. As an American everyone should have a right to voice their view even if it makes fun or denounces mine. If you silence one you must silence all.


Trump is the best president of my life time…I’m 45…


Can we please lock this thread?

Why lock the thread?

Just walk away :slight_smile:


Because it won’t end good. We had similar discussions like 2 years ago. Some love the ground Trump walks on. Others think he is the anti-Christ.

What’s it matter, the end can’t be stopped and this world is going to burn up anyways! :boom:

In this day and age the same can be said for every politician running against each other. The way I see it is we’re all adults here. If somebody doesn’t want to get involved in the thread they don’t have to. One of the biggest reasons our country is where it’s at is because people don’t know how to communicate. That one thread didn’t end good because someone made it sound like anyone who believed in the wall was a racist. Funny thing is the one who started the thread and, is in favor of it, is an immigrant from South America…lol.

Anyways, I say leave it. It’s under the politics section. The way I see it is either be involved and be nice or don’t pay any attention to the thread.