Should I buy this plumbing kit?

Unfortunately you can’t go back in time. We are all stuck with the decisions we have made in the past, good or bad. All you can do is try to make better ones as you progress.

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The storey about the banker was just a funny storey of something i did as a kid and yes ive made some bad mistakes but i wouldn’t change any of them. Im happy with who ive become. I have a wife and 2 young kids who i love dearly.

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So how would you advertise for residential?

As much as everyone hates ads, ive always wonder if people really considered if no company had ads we would all be out of a job. I dont like bill boards, junk mail, commercials, radio ads, computer ads, ect. But without someone in the marketing department making/sending stuff out, the company would not have any customers. Ads are a necessary evil.

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It was $2700 for a full wrap.


I don’t have an issue with marketing but junk mail drives me crazy. I can’t think of a time e it had a positive influence but I am sure it has. One out of 10,000 pieces maybe? What a colossal waste of energy and resources.

There’s dad in 1952. He really wants a time machine. I’m glad you have moved on from those practices. Good luck


That wrap is a traveling billboard. Looks great

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My wife and I try our best to not purchase products that rely on advertising. Those companies that spend the most are typically the lowest quality. Charles chips, Meyers soap, Stoger firearms, uncle Henry knives. Never see commercials for them but you do for McDonald’s. I don’t advertise for residential. Knock on some doors and get a few jobs. If you do good work, they will tell others. No need for signs, wraps etc. Work hard. Be smart. When you get thru you’ll be done. Do that, and if God wills it, you’ll be busy
If not, you ticked off Karma somewhere along the way.


I know you mainly do commercial, but for us resi guys we have do multiple forms of advertising. Knocking on doors can be seen as a way bigger burden. I do it occasionally but would hate to wake a sleeping baby. Thats why i like door hanger i can be a ninja (other than the security dogs). Plus knocking on door would be hard to scale and would take too much time.


Exactly knocking on doors at their home is intrusive to ones privacy and looks very desperate. IMO


Personally i hate when someone bugs me at home. If im home im trying to relax from work.

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Another brilliant idea. You’re on a roll @John_Martinez haha

@Innocentbystander it’s that common huh ? I liked the idea of the stencil tag, but hearing you say it like that, it really honestly makes sense and you’re right. Might not be seen as respectful to allot of potential clients.

15 years ago it was the rage on PWI and everyone had to have one. Nothing new under the sun. Lot’s of upset shopping center managers. Pretty easy to tell who had tagged their place.

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Oh absolutely! Lol… however this would be cool if you had a property owners permission to do it in a good spot where it looks cool and people will be able to see and know what it means and that you did the work there.

Did another one today. He owner specifically asked for the curb so I did it.

The house yesterday the owners were renting the townhome and weren’t sure of the rules. They did not want to get a fine. HOA is a bunch of crap if you want my personal opinion!

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I remember a guy delivering Charles Chips in the tan and brown tin can to our rural home in PA when I was a kid in the 70s…good stuff there

Indeed. I’m still using the can my mom used from the fifties.

I agree and would never live in a area with it. When i was younger we lived in a neighborhood with it. I remember we had to cut our grass to a certain length, had only 8 colors we could paint our house or fence, dad couldnt park his boom trucks in the driveway and any car that wasnt parked on the driveway had to be covered up or moved. There was alot nore i just dont remember. Thats why i live in the middle of nowhere. Closest neighbor is more than 2 acres away if not more. What i do in my yard is my bussiness. Thats the way i like it.


Looks great BTW. If i was the neighbor id honestly be looking to have mine done as well. Did you offer your sevices to them?