Thanks for the tip Brian! I’ll dig into the local laws but your right bleach should be just fine. Yea we have some crazy laws here in the commonwealth you’d be surprised.
Thanks. Once my unloader (zeromatic), and Udor 1/4” spacer plate gets here, I’ll have all of the components for my 8gpm/3500psi rig. At which point my other washer will go to the cellar for emergency back up purposes.
Looking forward to getting everything put together.
Thanks again for the welcome.
Just noticed your business name. That’s clever. I like it.
Thank you kindly. Based on your name, I just want to say thank you for your service.
Hello all. Been lurking for a couple weeks and recently made an account. I’m just getting started. Been doing driveways and such for a couple months and learning but recently decided to start trying to grow and feel fortunate to find this wealth of information. I have lots of questions and even more so reading. Below is my setup that im putting together.
Equipment list is as follows so far (still aquiring):
-Simpson PW 4400 psi 4gpm (seems to be the newbie trap)
-Backup something with a newish 2800 psi 3gpm pump (I think) and honda GS160 engine.
-Rigid 18" sc
-Turbo nozzles and then the basics plus 2 story ones
-Foam cannon thing
-Couple different guns/wands
-Telescoping wand
-5x8 single axle trailer with ramp
-100’ garden hose
-100’ of PW hose
-Roof safety harness kit
-Leaf blower
-2000 watt inverter generator
-2 hose reels (on order)
Eyeing a hotbox for sale a 100 miles north of me
Have an extra 1000-1500 to spend on equipment and hopefully picking it up tomorrow.
Now I’m just researching and open to suggestions. Not going to ask the same questions every other person who reads 2 posts in 3 minutes ask.
Just making myself known and saying hi.
Here comes my one new guy question though.
I seen somewhere a few guys on here live and work in oregon. I am not looking to piss on your parade or any of that. My work will primarily be lane county, eugene/Springfield.
With that said.
I’m really interested in finding a mentor. Nothing holding me to an area. So no problems traveling within the state to you for a day or 3. I will work for free and bring my own lunch money. Just want to learn and to be given constructive criticisms.
I dont want to wash out or rage quit this new endeavour due to lack of knowledge of basic skills you all have.
Another FNG that has some stuff and is trying to learn things. In Hope’s of finding someone to yell at me.
I found your forum after a short google search on some pressure washing tips. I own a small painting company in the Portland Oregon area. We rinse our exterior paint projects thoroughly before painting but I’ve always felt we were leaving money on the table and I’ve taken it upon myself to learn more about pressure washing. In particular I’d like to set up a yearly maintenance schedule for homes we have painted to help extend the life of the paint and keep their paint warranty valid by issuing a certificate or keeping a log for the homeowner to feel better about their manufacturer warranty. I’m particularly interested in the wood restoration category and ways we can do better for our own clients in that area since it seems that there is a lot of knowledge given on here.
I was very fortunate recently, I found someone selling a 3k PSI 4.2 gpm pressure washer for $75 because he couldn’t get it to start. The pullcord was shot, might need a new flywheel, and I’ll have to take the carb apart and clean it, but the pump alone was worth it to me if he was truthful about using it last fall until he broke the pull cord.
Do a search on blue paint here. People have had problems with Sherwin Williams blue paint reacting with SH.
Awesome thank you!
Another new guy here looking to learn.
I am Preston from SC. I am looking to start a part-time PW business, since I have a 8-5 job now, but with this economy who knows where I’d be next year. And it never hurts to have an extra skill.
I’ve been reading up for a couple of weeks before joining, so likely putting together a gx390 with a 5.5gpm pump build, on the back of my truck to start, and then we’ll see how it goes.
Thanks to @TexasPressureWashing for putting together the newbie guide and everyone else giving their free time to contribute!
@charc0al welcome! There’s a few of us here from SC. Not certain where you are, but I’m in Lexington if you ever need anything.
Thanks. Rock Hill area here. Right now just learning…
Hello, and welcome to the forums.
THere is an equipment list on this site that you can look at that I believe Heath made for new guys. I don’t know what your going to use the foam cannon for (I don’t wash cars and trucks, hardly wash my own) and I would never buy a rigid surface cleaner. If you are serious about getting into this business, the best surface cleaner for you to buy would be a whisper wash. I don’t know what a telescoping wand is, most guys just use tips on their guns, or a dedicated lance for certain work. You probably won’t need multiple turbo nozzles. As far as the simpson goes, use what you got, then when you have some cash buy a better rig, then usesimpson for a emergency backup or for your cars.
If you ran out to HD or lowes and bought some of this stuff and are having buyers remorse after reading on here, it is ok. Everyone starts somewhere. If you think about it, you could probably list what you don’t want on ebay, craigslist, facebook before the hot summer season ends and get better money for it.
Good luck to you.
I have a painting background but I still went to a wood restoration class, it helped me get up to speed on the PW side of things. It also gave me a different perspective on tackling wood decks. I typically thought in terms of scraping/sanding, where they thought in terms of spraying chems. Not that I didn’t use chems previously, if you paint you use chems. But I’m old, so my knowledge was old too.
I really like your idea of paint warranties and maintenance logs.
@charc0al I went to Winthrop, got married there, and my wife and I bought our first house in Rock Hill. Great place to be!
Thanks for the reply dirtyboy. Yes, you’re correct I have some remorse. Luckily i have enough money set aside to correct. Brightside is I now have back ups . The telescoping lance thing is something i already had. I’m looking at surface cleaners now. As of last night I bought a hotbox and a used belt drive pw that’s 11hp 4gpm and 2500 psi. Got a great deal on both. My biggest short term goals is to get it all setup on a trailer, have signs made and aquire insurance hope to have it working in a week or 2.
Hello all, I’m located in SW Florida, and I’m looking forward to networking with others in my area. Originally set up for 12 volt soft wash, but diverted temporarily doing playground sanitation/disinfecting. CJ
Good evening, all. I’m a bit of an introvert and have been putting off this intro. But, I posted about food earlier in the way off topic section, so I might as well get another post in today. I’m a 35 year old who recently made a drastic employment change. I was in law enforcement for over a decade and I’m now working for a construction/remodeling company north of Houston, Texas. To make a long story short, I’ve always enjoyed cleaning things and seeing the results of hard work. If it was up to me, I’d only ever wash vehicles…I like all kinds of vehicles and am a huge fan of @Hotshot and @GeorgeNicholson and @dperez, I’ve read through their LONG thread and basically decided that fleet washers have all the fun. But I will also be happy to wash any house that needs it and know I will have fun doing it also. I haven’t purchased any equipment yet, but am still working on my business plan for this area. Much thanks to @TexasPressureWashing for taking time to chat with me. I’m glad to be here. You all are great.
Hi everyone,
My name is Lawrence and I’m new to the pressurewashing/powerwashing game. My friend and I are trying to start a pressurewashing business in the Chicagoland area.
We’re very new to this. We just had our first proof of concept run to see how long it would take for the size, as well as learn what degree nozzles work best in certain situations. Pressure washed a family member’s sidewalks, patio, porch, and a bit of mold on the house itself. It was a BLAST! Seeing the difference before and after is pretty cool.
Anyways, we’re just starting. We have a name, KL Pressurewashing. We have a 2450 PSI gas-powered pressure washer…a little old. We’re working on a business plan to see how much of initial investment we’ll need. To start, a work truck would be great!
I would also like to purchase a new pressurewasher as well. Any recommendations on what equipment would be good for a starter to do residential/commercial would be much appreciated!
Thank you,
Lawrence - KL Pressurewashing
Welcome to the forum. I’m also in IL but down in the middle of the state. Be sure to do some reading on the forum before buying equipment or doing too much washing. There are a lot of surfaces where pressure should not be used and houses is one of them unless it’s brick. Many surfaces require soft washing which can either be done with a pressure washer and nozzle selection to knock down the pressure or a 12v pump is even used in some instances. A 12v is normally used when we can’t get a strong enough mix from down streaming.
One more bit of advice and everyone on this forum will agree with me. Do not go into business with your friend. That’ll lead to nothing but trouble, stress, and one less friend. It’s just the way it goes. Make it your business or, his business, and just have the other guy be a well paid foreman. Another option is for both of you to start your own business and lean on each other for help and extra business. One of you could be more of a fleet wash and hood cleaner and the other outdoor surfaces. If you listen to anything about starting a business listen to the advice of not going in on it with someone. Trust me!
Just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Keith Kmieczak. I started Siloam Pro Wash, LLC this year. I am a newbie but have learned so much by reading threads to the point of giving myself a headache! I am located in Lancaster County, PA (Leola to be exact). Currently I am part time but have finished my skid build ready to go on the truck for it’s first job. I don’t know how to upload a picture or I would. I am downstreaming from a BE 4 gpm machine for house washing with ability to do flatwork. I have my first oxidation removal and deck bid this week and believe I answered many questions through using this forum. The amount of knowledge and altruism of it’s member’s is fantastic. Thank you for giving of your time. I hope to continue my journey to contribute to this forum and my community. Blessings!