While the probability of this assumption may possibly be true or contrary to such thoughts we must remember 2 things.
All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence; then success is sure. Mark Twain
Sally was a good old girl. Waylon Jennings
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Takes me back to my sordid past, when 15 years ago on a psychotropic drug chemistry site called The Hive my handle was “payin2much.”
Actually, FBOP. Once enough of my “so called” friends were busted, it was just a matter of adjourning a grand jury. Slam dunk! Original sentence 375 months. WHEW!
November 11, 2017, 2:01am
Ouch man… Could have been worse they got the conspiracy stuff and Rico act putting people away for lifetimes…
Yep, avoided RICO, and some changes in the sentencing guidelines helped a lot
Went out on a HA lead this morning at 6:30 and found this
Will ANYTHING get this stuff clean? I have had my heart broken several times I’ve come up against it. Will heat? Is there a process that will cllean this. I have applied SH before AND after surface cleaning with a 4k 4gmp PW. Does anyone have any advice? @Innocentbystander , what do YOU do when you come upon this stuff with pebbles in the aggregate? How about it @Racer , is there a formula that will clean this crap? @squidskc , Brodie, you (or anyone else) have a solution, or should I just run like h%ll.
SO, these are the after photos:
November 13, 2017, 1:13am
Oh yea…, that’s what we were talking about… 60 detours ago… Good job
November 13, 2017, 1:15am
Looks great! So how did you do it in the end?
Eliminated a hose and added a professional surface cleaner (Hammerhead). No solution, just down and dirty, hit everything from both directions (side to side, up/down) Finished up using XJet to polish off. 3 hours
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Where you been Buzz? Missed your sardonic lubricity! @BuzzLightyear
November 13, 2017, 1:49am
If you didn’t use solution then what was the xjet for?
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I don’t use a wand anymore. I use the xjet to spray clean the the surface after the surface cleaner has stripped the dirt. Is there a technique that will allow me to eliminate that step?
What do you mean when you say ‘spray clean’? Just rinsing the dirt off? Most people just use a ball valve choked down to rinse.
Now post treating, could be done with X-Jet, if needed.
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