Help! White siding got stained after I cleaned it

I’m not sure how to tell that. The siding looks pretty dirty up close. I should’ve taken a closer pic.

I tried Purple Power. I was thinking maybe I needed to use this as an opportunity to buy some F9?

Also, I thought the only way to get the fallout off was to rub? Are you saying, in general, just don’t go around rubbing/scrubbing the siding? But with fallout it’s ok? Just don’t rub too hard?

Btw, thanks for all the help!

Exactly… You generally don’t want to touch the siding. You have to for fallout in order to get it off so you’re good there.

I don’t think Purple Power has hydroxide in it. Some of the purple cleaners do though. The ones with hydroxide are a little stronger. I would try that first. There’s also EBC but you’ll have to order it. Normally degreasers remove fallout just fine. I don’t think I’ve ever heard of anyone using F9 Barc on fallout until the other day. It’s normally used for rust removal. It’s an acid based cleaner but stronger than oxalic. I have never had rust on vinyl that oxalic couldn’t remove. There must be some other stuff in the Barc for it to remove fallout. Sounds like it works good it just kind of surprises me.

@marinegrunt Could I just hit it with a water/hydroxide mix? I’m going to be stripping the deck in the back so I’ll have it mixed up already.

I wouldn’t recommend it but if you decide to, rub your finger on the siding before hand and make sure there is absolutely no oxidation. It’s a lot safer to leave a problem as it is instead of making it worse. Hence the saying “walk away”.

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You using a jrod or M5DS nozzle. Still not sure what you have been able to get shipped to you in letterkenny.

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I’d be careful with hydroxide if you have it mixed strong enough to strip a deck. I don’t think it would hurt vinyl siding but, if you ever decide on trying something out of the norm, always test in an inconspicuous area. You never want to test on customer’s houses. Being your parent’s house it’s a little different but still.

A hydroxide based degreaser is a lot more mild than hydroxide mixed for stripping a deck. You don’t really want to just throw stuff on hoping it works. As Max mentioned it can cause more harm than good.


I get stuff shipped to a family friends place in MI. Lol. I use half a jrod 2540 & 0040. I have a m5ds but I never use it. I’ve been wanting to order guys shooter tip. Didn’t you order one?

@anon37135677 How can I tell if there is oxidation?

Ya its on my jrod. Im sure guy will ship you one. I only pull my jrod off my 12volt to use the shooter tip. I love the M5DS especially on oxidation. (Except aluminium)

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Rub your finger on it. If you have and chalky residue on your finger it’s oxidation. Read up on it using the search function. You’ll learn a lot. Searching on here has taught myself and most of us on here a ton. Which has helped tremendously.

@anon37135677 The siding above the garage (where I had my original problem) is definitely chalky. My hand accidentally brushed-up against it. Are you saying if it’s oxidized, to walk away?

I will read up on it. Thanks.

I’ll just get him to send it to MI to save the headache/extra shipping cost. Curious to see how much better it works. Maybe the fins are a bit bent but I don’t get as much of a solid stream/reach with my m5ds and I feel I switch nozzles just as quick as I do twisting the m5 to get the fan I want.

Yes absolutely do not mess with it. Read up and you’ll find some good stories of why you shouldn’t. Soft washing with very low pressure is okay, but touching it/putting any pressure to it is a big no no.

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I’m not a fan of the M5. I use it every now and then but I also don’t get much of a stream. I much prefer my jrod and shooter tip. Someone else recently said they finally bought a jrod after always using the M5 and said they much prefer the jrod.

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Do you use guys shooter tip? If so do you notice much of a difference between it and your regular 0 degree shooter

So, I broke my shooter tip that I had. My JROD had a high pressure shooter so I just drilled out the orifice and now it pulls soap and shoots three stories no problem. If you already have a JROD with the high pressure shooter then you may give that a try. Works like a charm for me.

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Purple Power has a bunch of hydroxide in it.

How did you break it?? I just have 2 qc’s welded together and ordered the nozzles I needed. I have the m5 as a back up and a couple box stores nozzles justtt in case lol. Good idea though :+1:

Definitely. It’s more of a low pressure high volume stream but tighter than the 2nd story soap nozzle.

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APPARENTLY I didn’t have the QC completely seated and mine was some fancy type of chemical resistant plastic and I was pointed directly at the brick portion of a building I was washing. It shattered into about 50 pieces. I’ve been meaning to order a new one but I decided to just try drilling out my JROD shooter because I never use it since it’s way too much pressure and VOILA! Saved me $$$.

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