I know foam cannons have their place, usually cars - and with houses, they can only spray so far up etc.
But I was thinking about using one for low set homes, gutters, eaves, screens/windows - and also driveways to get a thick foam pre-treatment down.
The problem I see is that the bottle is very small.
My solution would be to get rid of the bottle, run the suction tube (extended of course) to a backpack (7 Gal) and get away from that restriction, similar to what I found with the X-Jet etc.
I wouldn’t want chems on my back. Foam sounds neat but I think there needs to be some surface agitation when the soap is applied to break up the surface tension. Foam doesn’t do that. I think there is only one guy here that uses foam and he probably isn’t the best guy to get sound advice from.
I have had customers look at me weird when DS chem on the driveway and asked if I was going to put any cleaner on it since it looked like I was just rinsing the driveway. Since then, I have added a ton of soap (8 oz per gal of water) just to create bubbles/foam for nothing more than show. Sure I might have to rinse a bit more, but the customers see all this foam and instantly think I am super cleaning and no more questions or looks…LOL
Kind of like going through the car wash, kids get a kick out of the rainbow of colors from the soap foams they use. I am sure the color doesn’t do anything at all, but it looks cool.
Used to be in restaurants for 30 years, always put a bit of pine sol in the water for cleaning bathrooms for no other reason than people instantly associate pine smell with clean (just don’t over do it).
Perception is reality and it doesn’t matter what your perception is, only the customer.
Sorry cant help there.
Maybe @SchertzServicesLLC could
I Dont use a 12v pump other than a transfer pump from harbor freight for SH.
I rinse well after.
I use pump for other chems
The problem I run into with using 12v is it takes too much chem just to fill up the hose. You would need a good size job for it to be beneficial. I use it for degreaser application on parking lots but most other jobs can’t justify such a large batch mix. Xjet works better for me in most cases.