Understanding Soft washing

So the Idea or concept of soft washing to me is to use low pressure to apply the chemical to dwell, because of the dwelling process the chemical works best. I am new to this so hear me out, Why can’t a foam cannon be used? the chemical is applied and has time to dwell when a foam cannon is being used.

Can’t wait for IBS’s reply - but have a read here…


Foam does not penetrate as well to the surface, doesn’t rinse as quickly, and generally just sticks to the outer surface as it is mainly bubbles. Some use it, but it isn’t as effective or as effecient from the experience I have had trying it out.


I used a 15$ foam cannon my first year. Like a car wash one. Worked great, I even figured out I could use a 2 liter so I wouldn’t have to refill my bottle as much.

Then i found the internet, found out what downstreaming was…my life has forever been better


I understand it a bit now the main idea is about dwell time, so for a newbie like me what is the best practice or way to apply the chemical for best result on dwell time.

I think people like Iiki are using a foaming nozzle with downstreaming. Arguably the best of both worlds.

I am experimenting with a specific use of foam in terms of cleaning heavy mold off what we here call limestone or austin block stone. The mold get deep into the pores of the stone. You use medium pressure to knock off the surface crap and then the real work begins. A unique mix I have been tweaking is getting good results but it is still a 2,3,4 or even 5 application process to kill all the mold in the stone.
I used a foaming cleaning product that contained SH and Hydroxide one day for giggles. What IBS stated is correct. Alot of what you are spraying is in the form of bubbles off the surface. On vinyl not really a benefit. What I did notice and got excited about on stone, was by using the foam, I could extend the dwell to 20-30 minutes with a single application. Over time, the bubbles would render down into slurry mix that would stick to the surface. It would only take 2 applications to eradicate the mold instead of 3-5. It wasn’t that the bubbles did anything other than provide a different delivery system for the chem that allowed for a longer dwell without reapplication.
I like the visual of foaming, but for concrete or vinyl it is mainly show which I believe has some merit but for functionality it looks promising on stone restoration. I’ll be posting a video later today of a baseball stadium limestone restoration job I just finished yesterday of probably 100K sq ft of limestone.


With a $25 downstream injector

Looking forward to seeing it. thanks for you input very interesting.

Huge benefit for roof washing of course.

I didn’t think of that but you are right.

To illustrate my point, take some supper soapy water and with a spray bottle see if you can make a sudsy/bubbly spray on really any surface. Sit back and watch. Initially, their are a lot of bubbles and it is foamy. As time progresses, those bubbles go down thus making contact with the surface until you just have a slurry mix on the surface.

They make foaming agents and I thought I saw them at Tractor Supply one time for ag chem application, but I was there two weeks ago and did not see it. Between a stadium and another huge project, I just haven’t had time to procure a forming agent to experiment with.

My hypothesis I believe holds water. If you are looking for release action upon a surface over a period of time (say 20-30 minutes) then foaming might hold the answer. The next question is, how much foaming produces the desired outcome? To much and you would be spraying foam all over the place, too little and no effect.

This process reminds me of the value in be willing to try and fail. Success is a series of a lot of failures fueled by the persistence and drive to achieve. Michael Jordon with the game on the line, missed the winning shot more than he made it over the course of his career but come clutch time, everyone wanted the ball in his hands because his drive to win was so great!


To “soft wash” you use a downstream injector

And a jrod

Low pressure, high volume is soft wash

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