Electrical Fires are No Joke

How did you know I got a proportioner :thinking:

Lol, landscapers and painters are booming at the moment.

And this is why you need insurance. You caught a house on fire and you’re lucky they didn’t try to sue you for it. That wouldn’t have only put you out of business, it would have screwed over your parents because we know you’re not the one paying for it in the end. You’re also putting someone or a whole family out of a home. Think about that for a second.

You’re contradicting yourself and I don’t believe you’re being honest. If you actually told customers you’re not insured you wouldn’t be afraid to have them sign something. Honesty is key if you want to be looked at as professional in my opinion.

@anon37135677 I never contradicted myself. I tell the homeowner that I can’t get I insurance I’ve had multiple people Cancel because of that which is part of it. What I’m saying is that it is a totally different thing to agree to something And to sign an agreement. I don’t know where you think I was not honest.Or why you would automatically assume that just because I don’t have insurance. I was trying to look for help which I found I didn’t need someone to criticize me just because I legally can’t get insurance. I never put a family out of a home it was a house that was being remodeled and had damaged to the meter that wasn’t disclosed to me. I know I’m in the wrong still and would be responsible but that’s why I’m here asking what I can do to make sure that doesn’t happen again.

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My buddy was washing a house and everytime he pulled the trigger while standing on his aluminum ladder he could feel a slight electrical charge or tingle. When he went up to the deck while standing on it he could feel the same everytime he pulled the trigger. Long story short the house had an obvious electrical issue and the lady thank him for telling her. I would have stopped washing he kept going because he didn’t feel like going back. Homeowners fault not his.

The house that almost caught on fire I was washing I told the homeowner it’s his fault and my employees could have been hurt because of the bad outlet. I was pissed at the time. My employee grabbed a dry chem extinguisher and kept hitting it while I was trying to get homeowner on phone. I was 2 seconds from calling 911 when i was able to get in and turn breaker off.

After this I won’t be washing any more homes that have cloth wiring. Period.

Also old looking meter boxes.

You mentioned a fire extinguisher above. Definitely make sure you get one and keep it on your truck. Not only for houses but also your equipment. There’s a video on here somewhere when a member had his equipment catch on fire.


I agree with this 100%

I’ve had my Beckett transformer/ignitor on my burner go up in flames when I was 250ft away from the machine.

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If there is a major issue, like a house fire, and they find out you don’t have insurance… guess what’s next? They’re going to go after your parents’ property and whatever else they can. You could literally cost your parents their home. This happens sometimes with auto accidents and lack of coverage, you really need to be careful, if your parents understand the true risk I bet they’ll do anything they can to find you a legal partner of age.

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I’m no lawyer but I would think that it would be tough to win a civil suit wif they knowingly hired a uninsured minor to perform the work. If you could easily sue and win money from (knowingly) uninsured contractors, and I use that phrase loosely, then people would have less reason to hire an legitimate company. At some point a judge would have to put blame on the homeowner for negligent hiring.

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I view it as a must. I keep 2 in the truck at all times.


Is there a certain one? Or all they all pretty much the same?

You need a company that has care, custody and control. If it doesn’t it’s worthless and they won’t help any damage you do to a house you are washing.

I can tell where you’re being dishonest and I’m not here to argue with you about it. It’s great you’re out working and doing your thing but you understand that covering yours, your parents, and your customers butts from damages is extremely important. You’re setting yourself up for great success starting at this age. Do whatever you can to stay in business and build a great reputation.

@anon37135677 thank you so much. I understand your view 100% and I agree with you. I know the risk and I try my best to be smart. I definitely will look into insurance.

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I don’t think he’s trying to be dishonest. He said he has told customers that he doesn’t have insurance. He said a waiver was a good idea even though people might tell him to move along because it’s different than just verbally saying you don’t have insurance. Waivers tend to scare people more than words because then the homeowner is signing his name to it. I think that’s what he was getting at.


I know it sucks for you and them right now but you did them new homeowners a favor, That could of happened at night during a rain storm while they were sleeping…


Last job before vacation did not go as planned.

Dang it. What happened?