EBC rates for concrete

The only thing that stinks about Hydrochem is the shipping, they ship in 6 gallon liquid bucks ,1 bucket will produce 55 gallons on concrete. But it’s $150 to ship that 6 gallon bucket . However you can order up to 32 buckets on the same $150 shipping fee. So it depends on how much you can bank roll to save on shipping. I love to save money, My wife needs to sit down and have a breather after I order from Hydrochem. I also make sure I’m outta the house when she sees the bill…:wink:


No doubt. I definitely wouldn’t be using it for truck washing/degreasing bigger jobs. I just use it for the occasional gutter brightening and smaller red clay stain removal on vinyl. Definitely would be buying the more concentrated chemicals designed for fleet washing if I was in your boots.

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I wouldn’t sell my body like you do for $2 a gallon of Awesome to the dollar tree lady, but then again…:joy:

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Beats me…

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I actually tried some on that commercial job yesterday next to some EBC and couldn’t see a bit of difference. Kind of wish I had, got a gallon of it sitting on trailer less what little I used yesterday. And it’s even more expensive.

@Grizz remind me to buy some Awesome tomorrow. We can try on a house Thursday


I did a dumpster pad last week with ebc and it wouldn’t budge. came back with double eagle and cleaned up nice.


Been dating her for 3 years :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Good man @ShinedUP . Lol


But Purple Power is ok though lol yeah ummm k

Yeah ,for doing laundry

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Purple power is less than water. It won’t even wash dust off my pickup. I hear about it a lot and I just🤣

When I was first thinking about Pressure washing I spen an entire day shopping 3 cities, every store I could find buying cleaning chemicals. Over $300 that day, I had a pickup bed Literally half full of crap. I tested each and every one, one at a time, on several messes and stains.

Almost every thing I bought that day was pure crap, but a few really stood out. Bleach, cheap DW liquid, arm and hammer laundry soap w oxy, and
LA TOTALLY AWESOME. I had a mercury 9.8 outboard on a stand that was covered in 2 stroke oil, caked up from being in the shop, dusty and oily. I drug it out and sprayed it w awesome, and the oil literally ran off on the ground, I waited a few and sprayed it again, hit it with the garden hose and it was slick shiny black, finger squeaking clean, no pressure no rubbing. since then I never have less than 2 cases in the shop.


Here’s an example on gutters today, 3:1 pump sprayer on wet gutters. Drag a brush across it and BOOM!!


Dadgum, now I am going to have to try the LA Totally Awesome but it looks like it’s 88-98% water by weight according to the data sheet I found (granted it’s from 2004). http://www.midlandtool.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/L.A.-Totally-Awesome-Cleaner.pdf
Still half the price of EBC.

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Alright! Lol ,I’m gonna give it 1 more try. What do you mix it at to clean stacks @ShinedUP ? I’m gonna stop by tonight on the way to work and get some and apply it to the stack brushes tonight via poly sprayer.
Btw ,that pic above sold me to give it another try.:wink:

1:1 on chrome and polished, but u gotta rinse REALLY GOOD on stacks, it’ll leave streaks off of brackets and mounts. I use it every time on tanks, wheels and tires, iv always got a pump up and a spray bottle on the trailer.

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200k on those wheels, still factory polish
I hadn’t got the right stack yet so I don’t wanna hear that🤣. I use it on all the shiny stuff, frame, everything but paint. You can see the nice white grill, that’s whet the local truck wash will do for you right before you threaten their life…

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That’s $6 bucks to fill a 2 gallon poly sprayer ! Your girlfriend have a sister,my helper is single. I need Awesome at 50 cents a jug to. I ain’t greedy,just needy. So cough it up @ShinedUP. :joy:

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LOL, @Grizz and I tried some Awesome on some gutters today since we been hearing all this talk about it. Mixed it 3 parts water - 1 part awesome and sprayed it on. Grizz lightly ran soft brush down it and guess what. The gutters now look just like those chrome wheels pretty much LOL. Grizz can post the pic. I rinsed them off and there was more paint on the ground than on the gutters. We both decided - NEVER AGAIN

Now we know why Jason goes with the ‘Shined Up’ moniker. :rofl:


Good thing you have an airless. LOL