Dominating Social Media!

It kind of irritates me when people put down a whole generation. Each one has great people and slackers. No one should be pigeon holed because of the year they were born.


I could care less if your irritated… go find a safe space.

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Bad day Nashville?

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I don’t think the "millennial issue is so much a person issue as it is a society issue. There are a lot of hard working millennials but there are even more snowflakes. Every generation has their snowflakes but it gets worse every time. Part of the reason can be attributed to parents but alot can be attributed to the policies pushed by government, schools, and other community leaders. Socialist agendas are being pushed more and more. Kids get rewarded regardless of effort, college professors pushing their agenda and if you disagree with it and voice your opinion they give you a failing grade, people attacking the 1st amendment, etc, etc, etc. Times sure are changing.

Matt…don’t forget about big fluffy teddy bears to snuggle with in that safe space. There’s probably a big row of trophies for people to grab since they basically hand them out to both winners and losers.

How is it helpful if someone doesn’t have to put forth any effort and receives the same reward as someone who works 10 times as hard. Next time nether one will work hard. There might be one out of ten who will.


Yes, what you said! And if I prefer stuffed dogs over stuffed cats, does that make me guilty of intolerance? Ugh, Im not sure what the rules are from day to day anymore. Back to the safe space I go…

Honestly who cares what this guy does? I get that its bad for the market but there’s a million guys doing the same thing. They just didn’t post on this forum. I feel like everyone made their point in their first or second post. This thread would die if you let it.

Live life and let live.


You answered your own question. The people in the market care.


You would care if he was near your service area, lowing the value of your work. The more people offer to do services for practicaly free then everyone expects it and good companies go out of business, the OP saying he only targets people who can’t afford average house wash prices is absolutely ludicrous, what does he look at their pay check… “nope you make too much I don’t work for the wealthy” people like this gladly don’t survive long in this business, unfortunately they leave a new standard the customer expects. Let that live and let live.


Well alright then. I’ll let you guys fight it out. Seems productive.



He posts on a forum where people post their opinion, talking about how amazing he is doing selling $75 house washes and doesn’t expect to have people say something lol, like you we are stating our opinion.


trust me none of your comments offend me. I’m honestly over here laughing at all the presumptions you all have made about my business based on a few Facebook post you seen hahaha. If you are really think all I do is sell $85 and $100 services you are foolish :joy:. Not not to mention I’m never lacking business and Im making pretty good money for 21-year-old. A lot of you may have decent services but you severely lack business knowledge. At the end of the day I have nothing to prove to anyone here and your opinions don’t affect my pockets. I run a very professional business and this isnt my only business. But at the end of the day it’s all just opinions. This is business and what rule says I have to give a damn about my competition? This is business not a charity. I’m not in business to help my competition out or give a damn about them. Small and big companies are going down every day and no one gives a shit Haha. But keep laughing because you guys have obviously “ figured me out “ yeah a lot of you are struggling for leads, still passing out flyers That don’t work, and still have to clock in to a day job. But hey I’m the clueless fool here lol. I don’t follow traditions or industry beliefs.



I love when being told by many people that they are wrong and still can’t admit it. Good luck @Isaiaha97 I hope you figure it out one day.

You sure do laugh a lot to not be caring. It apparently has gotten to you. Your LLC is listed at your parents house I am assuming that is where you still live? You state you don’t care about profits yet we are the ones lacking business knowledge? The amount of jobs you will have to do to equal the income of others will be more significant and eventually will take its toll on your equipment. You will be replacing and fixing things much more frequent. Your profit will soon dwindle and then you will reflect on this forum and reminisce, but you don’t give a damn about your competition or helping them so why did you join this forum full of competitors trying to help you. Come tax time, add up all the hours you worked and tell us more about “day jobs”.



Well said.

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Doesn’t anyone here remember what it’s like to be 21 and have life figured out. It takes time and experience to realize how little you don’t know. You can’t teach or help someone who thinks they know more than you. Let this thread do like his business will probably do in a few years (die). Continue to cater to high end customers because there will always be the $85 bottom feeders


I’m glad I joined this forum. I listened unlike him, and I learn things from here, and since joining I’ve upgraded my whole operation and have been doing better. But I must say out of the all the stupid things I’ve done; washing houses for 85 dollars was never one of them :joy: dont be scurred boy, make your money, dont be a fool …