Also for anyone wondering, each sample is a 2 oz bottle.
Well, finally broke down and put in an order with Horizon. 10# of rain clean 5x came to just under $200 with shipping.
I’m going to start with just 1oz in my 20 gal DS tank and see how it performs. But even if I went up to 4oz per 20 gallon mix, that should yield about 685 gallons of mix. For me, that equates to roughly $50k in power washing.
(Calculations based on 136 fl oz for 10# of scent additive @ 9.35#/gal)
Get yourself a dosing “float(er) bottle” to easily measure out your additive:
Should be about right with rain clean at 1 oz in 20. 1 in 15 gal of the apple is definitely noticeable, but you can still smell sh slightly, so I would think the rain clean should be stronger. I did 1 oz in 5 gal with it and it was obnoxiously strong.
Was the 10# about a gallon of liquid? I’m just curious how long it’ll last.
Whoops, I see you already mentioned it at the bottom of your post.
Update on this. I liked the rain clean 5x scent but want something more sweet fruit smell and not chemical clean type smell. Fresh and clean was too strong of a chemical detergent smell and apple I barely noticed at high strengths. So I opted for samples of lemon, lemon lime, and April fresh. I recommended they add more sweet citrus smells such as orange or mango in the future.
Here are the prices on those
current pricing on 10/lbs :
April Fresh ( $17.30/lb fob)
Lemon Lime ( $ 24.78/lb fob)
Lemon ( $ 34.57/lb fob)
That’s pretty pricy. $345.70 for 1 gallon of lemon fragrance. But, these are highly concentrated scents so, based on 1 oz per 15 gallons of downstream-able solution from prior use, I could get about 2,000 gallons of mix to DS out of it. Which I average about 2-4 gallons a home. Let’s say I used 4 gallons on a home at $300 a home, that’s still about 150k made from A $350 Fragrance… that’s broad math there but. If you use slomo and need a scent, I say it’s worth it. Just a high upfront cost.
I’ll keep y’all updated on how their lemon smells compared to elemonator. And how I like the lime add to it as well.
Chemia sent me a citrus scent sample last year. It was pretty good. Kind of smelled like a mix between orange and lemon. It was pretty good.
Southside has sells lemon and cherry scent. A gallon goes a long ways. Instructions say 4-8 oz per 50 gallons of mix. I like their lemon smell better than Elemonator. I only ordered a quart of the cherry but haven’t tried it yet. I’m still waiting on @Firefighter4hire to see if his local pressure wash store will ship me some Mango. One of the other stores I emailed out there don’t ship at all.
I’d like to get my hands on a mango fragrance
Lol what’s next fellas? High heels and lipstick?
I don’t use scented hw mixes. But then again I don’t drink daiquiris either. Let me know when they have a bourbon scent. Might try it.
I think you can just pour bourbon in your SH. Report back with results please
Sheesh, guys. In todays climate people LOVE the smell of chlorine. Using Elemonator and Snotmenade gives some help, but I get people every day coming out and saying they can smell the bleach and they love it, says it ‘smells clean’. I 'm so use to it and usually have all over me from doing porches, I can never even smell it, lol. Clorox cannot keep up with demand. Bleach is the world’s safety net right now.
Same here. Folks love it.
Up here in Canada, housewashing is basically unknown to homeowners. And they love the bleachy smell. I smuggled in a pail of elemonator before the lockdown, and I find myself using as little as possible.
I see zero value in masking the smell of bleach at the moment.
In fact when we went into lockdown, I started doing grocery cart disinfection (they pull out all the carts, I spray my house wash mix all over them and rinse) and I would spray the entrance and ground and all over the place.
Customers loved it because when the store opened, they could still smell the bleach.
Actually been looking for a bleach smell enhancer! I’d like the folks 2 blocks away to be able to smell it and come asking. ;>)
Grab one of those misting fans you see at theme parks and hook the line in to your SH tank. Spray that thing everywhere you go. Sure ppl might get pissed when you end up bleaching out their nice clothes driving by but you’ll know for sure that they noticed ya!
Revisiting this topic because of the condo job I’ve got coming up. I live in a real hippy town, with people who don’t believe in deodorant. The PM at the condos thought a masking agent was a really good idea.
I haven’t touched my gallon of additive since shortly after I first got it. Trying to figure out a good starting point for adding it to my soap jug. Anyone still using this stuff, how much have you been using lately?
I literally just received my free sample kit and was pondering the same thing.
I’m thinking one ounce per 15 gallons of SH is what I’ll start out with. The dual barb injector I’m setting up is simultaneously complicating and simplifying the issue. The maths are way more complicated, but the actual use of the system once it’s all set up will be much less work.
On my last pale of Elemonator, The lemon scent isn’t there at all. While it does cover the SH smell the lemony scent is 0
anyone notice this?
I’ve noticed that Elemonator has lost its sudsy-ness and that it doesn’t mask the smell as well anymore. I’m open to trying other soaps at this point. It still clings great and rinses well but I’d like to try something else.