Bleach/chlorine additive that freshens the smell?

Have you been using this for a surfactant instead of elemonator or just adding some of the Arm and Hammer along with another surfactant.

I don’t use anything but chlorine and ammonyx surfactant. I don’t see any need to add anything else work good just the way it is .

I love it when non-scientific (i.e. the fragrance sales people) use words like “it bonds with the surfactant”…uh no!

Ammonyx LO is a trade name of the Stepan company. Lauramine Oxide is the chemical name. It’s also sold as AO-12, Barlox 12…and I’m sure many other names.

Your correct first time I bought it was from the shephen company. Cost me $85 for I gallon probably 10 years ago I’ve been using it ever since now I can buy a 55gallon drum for $450 but usually just by 5 gallons every other week or so . To much of a pain to move a drum around

Using arms an hammer only as detergent. Never used elemonator.

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Thanks @DoubleH


Lol, instead of answering these redundant posts we should all just post this gif over and over xD

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And this is why you’re our president.

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I used Sap It for the first time the other day. It worked really well and smells like cedar. It did a pretty good job of covering the smell of the bleach. You can get it at

Be careful where you spend your money

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please keep in mind that we, as users, lost our sense of smell after the first 200 gallons of SH, and can’t smell anything less than 4000% smelly.

Normal humans can use drops, I’ll stick to my generous splash… plus a bit extra. I just want my swimming pool flavoured house to smell like lemon cheesecake.

Like, if I’m gunna make the house smell nice… I might as well use enough fragrance that my sterile nostrils can smell it too :slight_smile:


And maybe neighbors who didn’t think they would like to have their houses washed before they smelled that fragrance from the inside of their houses, would call you immediately to wash their houses as well. it’s neighbors thing.

So much wrong with this statement…if you are tasting houses I can not help you. If you think Lemon Cheesecake is good I REALLY can’t help you. ICK!

@BuzzLightyear is just grumpy because I keep forgetting to mail him ball valves and he is stuck downunder with a bunch of sheep and a motorcycle that stays broken more than on the road.

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Please don’t stir up the dolphins.

There’s an idea!

Maybe @CaCO3Girl can come up with a fresh baked cookies fragrance, i think clients would love that one!

Sorry, I make cleaners not fragrances. Talk to a fragrance house I guess :woman_shrugging:

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Which cleaners do you make?