Bleach/chlorine additive that freshens the smell?

I know I’m going to get in trouble getting a Tablespoon out of the kitchen drawer…and then put in in my toolbox and forget about it until my wife asks where the TBSP is…I’ve already destroyed measuring cups and wooden spoons with surfactants and chemicals…lol. 2.5 TBSP = about 1 ounce right?

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Yes I did they said I could ship it back and they would send another but they would not refund the money.

Lol…we’re all going to die 10 years younger since we can’t smell SH anymore. I know squid likes to use Dawn for everything…:joy:


IM More concerned for my dog that licks the crap outta me when i get home and walk thru the door.

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Wait. Some people don’t use Dawn?! :grin:


Only the professionals

This is the inside of my trailer shelving…I like the different colors and smells Dawn has to offer😀image


I don’t add anything except ammonyx . I never need. Only reason I didn’t dump out the fragrance is in case I need it for a assisted living facility. The smell of SH stirs up to many problems

Yeah same here…my wife is always yelling at me to get upstairs quick to get a shower since the dogs are licking my legs and I don’t think anything about it…lol

That’s good to know so if I like it I won’t order so much of it…maybe one gallons at the most. The more I think of it nobody has ever complained about the SH smell after a house wash except one neighbor guy who thought I sprayed all of his flowers with bleach just because he smelled it🙄

Hope that wasnt a typo for ammonia

Nope ammonyx lo . Many distributors sell it . Just under different names like HANG TITE or whatever they want to call it

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Two tablespoons per ounce. For my experiments I get my silverware at goodwill :wink:


I have used this.

And it works awesomely thks to @Racer.
This works really good masking the smell of bleach.

The horizon works awesomely is you just use straight bleach with odorless detergent

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Just got my samples from Horizon. Rain Clean, Fresh Clean, and Apple. Looks like they gave me a couple ounces or less of each.

Can’t wait to try them out :grin:. I’ll test very small to start with, maybe try adding as little as a teaspoon to my mix, and then bump it up until I notice a difference. According to the rep who emailed me, “…it is not the Fragrance but the ingredients that mask the chlorine.” So that tells me that the fragrance shouldn’t have to be overpowering to make a difference in the bleach smell.

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The rep is an idiot.

The only way I know of for the chemicals to mask the smell of bleach is to destroy the actual bleach. If the fragrance does nothing then why have it in there? It also sounds like you aren’t dealing with a fragrance but a blend. Test in SMALL quantities at first, don’t pour it into a 200 gallon tank.


Dont pour it inyo your tank.
If tou do then you have to stir it every time you use it.
I have seen people locally whwre i buy my bleach, that they mix it on their tanks, the SH provider sells the 1oz for $4. i asked them how it worked and rhey told me, it worked fine. Just stir.
They use straight SH when washing…
I Use a bucket only half the sample bottle. The whole bittle is way too strong for a 5gl bucket

Bingo. Girl in florida sells apple scent. She lost one vendor who bought from her when they found out she was diluting it 50/50 with water. There is no better mouse trap

There is nothing in straight SH to help the fragrance get into solution, hence the stirring.

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Manufacturers said it bonds with the surfactant not the chlorine. They suggested up the amount of surfactant and mix well . Either way it sounds nice in theory but was a not needed in reality.