Where to buy SH for roof mix?

Well that sucks. There is one pressure washing company where I go to for maintenance. They sell gallon jugs of 12.5%, but it costs $5/gal versus the pool place $5/2.5 gal at 10%.

Sheesh guys, you’ll need to shop around. SH is more plentiful and cheaper in FL than anywhere else in the world almost. Try some large pool wholesalers. I hear $1/gal all the time in 1/2 way decent quantity.

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What part of Florida?

I just cut a “deal” here with a pool supplier for 2.66 a gal for 15 gal drums of 12.5 -15%. They guarantee a range but a specific %. I do mostly wood staining so don’t have the need for larger quantities…yet. you just have to call or drive around and talk to people.
I should have also noted that going to one of their stores to get the same bleach in one gal containers is 4.95 per gal, so again it pays to ask and dig a little.

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You’re getting ripped off bad, but not that unusual for local stores. They have to make money. You can buy 8% at Dollar General for 2.95 that will work. The $5 for 2.5 not bad in small quantities.

Pasco County. You?

You need to get to know Pressure Washer Products in Clearwater. They can help you find better price on bleach too.

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Palm beach county.