What's it cost to have an employee run your truck

Dude, just leave already.

I like to enjoy a bowl of kettle corn while “sifting through the rubish”

A lot of the guys on here have forgotten more than you will ever know. I bet you don’t make it through winter. please leave this is a place for those who want to learn this business and enjoy each other’s perspective. doesn’t seem like you fit either of those categories so please feel free to go away


Your problem is you don’t like any of the advice given. I can’t imagine just allowing some guy to wash MY customer’s roof if I didn’t have any experience and was too scared to climb on a ladder. You might do okay with a few roofs but eventually you’re going to have an issue and you won’t have any idea what went wrong. It’s going to catch up to you and it will comeback on your company not the employee.


I’ll figure that if and when that happens.

That is my risk and okay for my risk tollerance. We are only doing roofs from ladders and if we can’t do them from a ladder we subcontract them out to another company who does only roofs.

Well been in business doing basic house washes for a few years so we will see lol.

Where are you located?

Won’t last with your attitude

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In dream land

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I really want to know I cant believe that anyone who has been doing this for a few years and is as successful as he is will not tell anyone where he located


Probably been doing it for years with a ryobi that puts out 10gpm and has customers begging him to clean their house

Oh no he said he had been doing it for years but he just got a new machine and couldn’t figure out how to plumb it. I think his ran on air or dreams or more than likely BS


On a lighter note



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Roof cleaning or roof installation/repair?


Says it’s a waste if time to interact.

Continues interacting.

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