Truck washing (Soaps, Tips and Tricks)

28k. Do not buy Nitto ridge grappler 10 ply folks.

Nope, only Toyo Open country a/t 10ply last set lasted me 85k. They have a 65k mileage rating.

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Check that truck out, custom 12ft aluminum bed with 300gal tank. 2017 f350 less than 7k miles gas engine though. $33k

@Redwal9451 I agree the toyo open country tires have been great

To much rain today and we still have more thru Wednesday! :rage:


Ya gonna get pounded with rain Wednesday @Redwal9451, Just watched the weather. weā€™re gonna be in the 3" area, You on the other hand ,6" ta 8" my man. Gonna need a bigger boat.

Yeah it sucks, I donā€™t like it when the water gets that high in my little creek. Starts washing away my backstops for my shooting range. But I did have a 18yard dump truck drop 2 loads of dirt couple weeks back. Hopefully yā€™all donā€™t get the full 3ā€.

Hopefully yall donā€™t get the 8 , That would cripple yall for a minute man.

Itā€™s been non-stop rain seems like down here. Get a couple 2-3days then it starts again. But hey itā€™s Louisiana we get all 4 seasons in one day! :joy:

Job usually takes me 6 hours. Asked the director if we could rearrange the vehicles for cleaning and we were done in 4.5. Looks like we will be doing this every time we go out now.


Efficiency! Heck yeah!

Geter done George, I drive and stage 90% of my washes for that exact reason. :+1:

definitely made the cleaning much more enjoyable. I hate getting in between trucks with 3 feet of space. You just get soaked trying to clean that way.

BTW, when I got off the phone with you I put in my biggest order in yet. 3 - HSC400, 4 Fleet Prep and 6 Grizzlyā€™s. Wife was like, you really needed to spend that much and how long will it last you. I told her I hope to have to buy that same order or more next month. She about shyt herself with rage, then I explained if I go thru that much in a month it would be a nice $10k added to the business account. Iā€™m sure it would be more than that but I had to throw a number out there real fastā€¦haha

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For you smart big washers.

The one thing I hate about the proportioners is that the beige and tan look alike. I really think I have the tan in (90:1 or thereabouts) instead of the beige (25:1). My second step has the black in, 17:1. So, if I make my acid stronger can I e less soap? So go from black to beige or red? I hate testing in the field as I just want to get done. But, Iā€™m thinking I really need to now.

The reason I think I have the 90:1 proportioner in is because I have washed 72 pieces and maybe gone the 5 gallons of acid, while going thru 40 gallons of soap. Shut still falls off the truck but if I can get the usage to be closer Iā€™d be happy, especially since I am flying thru soap right now

Also, whatā€™s the formula to figure out draw rate? I canā€™t find my cheat sheet.

Iā€™m gonna fill up a container that has ounce markings on it and start my draw test. After a minute take what was drawn and input that number (X) into the formula. All I can remember is use X with my GPM and 128 ounces but I am lost on actual formula to figure it out

This is what I posted on Hydro-Chem, Fleet wash professionals and Fleet Wash Academy facebook pages

Question for you more seasoned fellas here. Iā€™ve been doing fleets since May of last year and started downstreaming my 2 step since July (I believe, maybe June).

I was messing with ratios and I may have screwed something up when I put the X-Jet proportioner in my foot valve. The tan and beige look very similar, especially at night.

I have cleaned 73 pieces in the last 2 weeks and have only used about 8-10 gallons of my Fleet Prep. During that same time I have gone thru 40-50 gallons of my Grizzly. So I am assuming I swapped my beige (25:1) and tan (70:1 I believe, will have to run a ratio test to make sure) to run my acid as they look pretty similar.

If I strengthen my Acid can I go lower on my soap? So if I am at 70:1 (Fleet Prep) and 17:1 (Grizzly), can I go to 35:1 (Fleet Prep) and 25:1 (or 35:1) Grizzly and get the same results? So in essence will a stronger acid make a weaker soap work the same?

Hope that makes sense,

It takes less #1 to de magnetize the unit then the soap cleans it , You gotta be careful not to use to much #1. You second #'s are more realistic. I was around 35 to 25

Draw test for me is fill your chem test tank with say 40 oz then mark a line on 6 gallon bucket or what ever to your GPM with sharpie , fill bucket to sharpie line with HP hose , So if your machine is a 4gpm and you used 26 oz of chem during that bucket test ,your at 15:1

:rofl: Thatā€™s awesome. I got a kick out of that. Itā€™s a great improvement George but most people wouldā€™ve just said dirt or grime. :laughing:

I get it though. It took me a few years to clean up my mouth. Being home on leave was always the hardest. I canā€™t imagine doing 20+ and then trying to clean it up. Youā€™re getting there though. Baby stepsā€¦lol

@GeorgeNicholson is my idol, ainā€™t afraid to drop a schit or 7 :joy:.