I posted a while back about vinyl lettering on my trailer. I decided against going through with it. Instead I waited to budget for a wrap. I’m working with a designer on fiverr at the moment. This is the first draft. I would appreciate anyone and everyone roasting it. Anything to add, take out, start all over? I want to get this right. Thanks in advance
At first glance I would like it to be more blue and less green.
And the sizing should be re ordered. Big to small
Pressure washing
I’m pretty inexperienced in most of this so take my opinion lightly. I think it would look a lot better if the top portion that is transitioning from green to white was just white. Other then that the only thing that would be a concern is your contact info on the right side is hard to make out. People wouldn’t have time to get it.
I would probably go with roof cleaning instead of roof washing so people don’t associate pressure washing with their roof
Your phone number needs to be a lot bigger
Agreed. Don’t you think it looks like a lawn trailer with so much green? More blue?
No I think it’s fine. Just put who dat on it and you’ll be good
There’s a company around here called “wash dat” pretty clever
The company that will do your wrap should do the design included
@Harold. I agree about the transitioning color, not a fan. All white would maybe look better up top. Definitely make the contact info bigger and maybe list your services on both sides. I didn’t like your services being on the side door in your old design but it might not look bad on this wrap if it won’t all fit before the door.
I’m exploring my options. I’m not sure what company will do the wrap yet. But judging from the quality of work I’m getting from this fiverr designer I’ll be better off taking that route. He’s showing me stuff I could design in 20 minutes and I’m no graphics guru.
I like your last design much better. Looks more professionally done with the colors blending/bleeding into each other, the added dimension of the water ripples and sun spots as well as the different angles for the letter. It is all subtle individually but on the whole compliments each other aesthetically.
I like the idea of having the services listed to spark peoples mind on what you can do. I think you could center the phone number and make a size larger or two and then list the services on the upper left hand side top to bottom. I might put a stroke border on the number with a very slight blend of two shadows one being black and the other white just to make it pop.
Not a big fan of the font used for Pressure Washing, your website and phone number. Just looks plain like it is Ariel or something similar. The capital G in your website does not look right. Make it all lower or all upper case. Do you have the source file or is your fivvr guy just giving you jpegs to view?
Just curious, for trailer like this (I am guessing 12 or 14 ft by 8ft tall) what is the cost to wrap? I would think way cheaper than a vehicle since it is really just one big piece verses having to deal with curves and angles on a vehicle.
BTW - you need to change your tires - they really jacked up.
Put the words “pressure washing” somewhere near the top. If you’re in traffic, ain’t no one but the car directly next to you going to see that. Get it up high to give it much more visibility. What you do and how to contact you are much more important than your name.
I agree. That’s one of the major revisions I asked of him. I actually told him this before he started but he didn’t do it.
Lol, that’s not my trailer. It’s a mock up for designing.
I agree with your assessment 100%. He’s got a long way to go. Unlimited revisions. He’s just sending jpeg mock-ups.
I’m guessing between 1,500-2,500
I like the 2nd was me better then the first one but both of them look like a Windows XP wall paper. I’m not a fan of either.
Sometimes fiverr can be a goldmine for cheap and sometimes it can be a total waste of money. I like the second one much better.
Good thing about fiverr is usually it’s so cheap if you don’t like one designer just close it out and hire another one.