The bandit kit!

Just wanna have a conversation with some of you about the proper way to go about this purchase. Part of the issue seems obvious, but i wanna hear what some of you think. My question is this. Buying the kit is like a thousand bucks more, than if I just bought the pump, sprayer, and ag hose kit for like 600 bucks. Is the skid, the titan reel, 3 way ball valve, battery in a box and drop stick worth the extra thousand bucks ? And also I’m almost certain the chem tank is not included. So I’d have to buy one… however, I’m Pretty sure I can use any modestly priced reel of decent quality, like the one @JohnLangeYOUTUBE has on his truck (that General pump one…) and buy a piece of pvc for the suction filter and suck line for like a buck or two literally, and the rest following suit. But I wonder if any of youse have it and wondering on your thoughts. Thanks ! :sunglasses:

Can you build for cheaper? Yes…if your like me you hate monkeying with stuff and time is $$.

Your not buying the bandit because it’s cheaper, buying it because it’s easier.

Building a 12v system is easy, not to many parts. But still takes time to put together.

I’d go with a stainless steel reel though and all stainless plumbing. $$ adds up quick.


We added a bandit this season and I’m really happy with deciding to buy pre assembled rather than designing my own. Throughout an entire season of heavy use only the gun and 3 way valve broke. We just had our first bad relay switch yesterday. Other than that it’s worked flawlessly. I also feel the need to point out I’m not Mr mechanical by any means but the simplicity of the system overall makes me feel confident I could troubleshoot any problems and easily fix it on my own. If for some reason I was unable to do so pressure teks customer Service is amazing.


I bought my first Bandit this year too even though I had the pump, hose, gun and tips. Way easier to open the box and go. The 3 way valve, and pvc, drop stick and pcv gun all broke. The April cold made them a little brittle. Easy fix. Then the Accumulator went 2 weeks ago. Bought new and super easy to replace. If I had time and a frame I would consider building one. Now I will just replace with better parts.


@anon82972966 I bought the 5850 Polly kit with pump In the box for 350 plus 100 pump in box. I highly recommend! The only thing different maybe i would be get the kuri tek hose instead of the poly but the poly has been fine for me so far. All I did was by A 30 gallon tote at Home Depot and put the battery in a box and the pump in the Box inside the tote and I cut about 12 ft of hose for the outlet of the pump and bought banjo cam locks so I can connect and disconnect the two hundred foot of Hose as I need. When I get home today I will take pictures for you


Now I did it all like this because this way as I made money I can upgrade I can eventually buy the fat boy pump. Which is sweet but like I said the 5850 has been fine for me as well as the poly hose. But definitely get pump in the box upgrade

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The accumulator is nice because it keeps your pump from constantly running.

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It looks nice but I wouldn’t want my reel on top of the pump/battery.

Looks like a workhorse of a trailer.

1 point from the peanut gallery: doesn’t that pressure hose from pump to reel get in the way hanging down like that? Could you go with a 90 degree fitting to get that hose more to the left?


Update: I was looking up effect of 90 degree bend in water pipe and turns out there is a loss of water volume and also turbulence. This 90 degree bend not recommended. Can one of the in house experts confirm this?


I take the hose Clamp it to the real then when I’m done washing the roof I unclamp it from the real and pack it all back up in the Box works great. Not the prettiest or fanciest but it works


Ok so basically it’s just a convenience factor. I get that. I guess I got plenty of time to think about it… xero sells a softwash system too over at wcr… I might look into that as well. I dont mind building things. I have a huge shop and a friend who basically can do anything hes helped me with PVC and plumbing and he even works on my truck, so I can easily build. It’s just a pain in the butt. Ordering things waiting for them to come in, then having the time to build them. Haha.

But I’ll tell ya having a shop with plenty of space and every tool imaginable, helps. Lol.

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Pressure teks kit is the way to go all you need is 55 gal drum or tank. A battery and reel . . Wcr kit is same thing more money

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Oh that’s right !!! I forgot. Theirs is like 2 grand or something like that… thats crazy. Wcr is pretty pricey. But they git me hooked like pressuretek has me hooked lol.

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And theirs ain’t even as nifty and nice as pressure teks

Theres alot of good vendors I just find pressure tek my go-to although soutside is good too

What all do you plan on doing with it? Roofs or just post treating and shooting odd stuff when you need a stronger mix?

Basically for commercial roofing and anything requiring a hotter mix than downstreaming.

Ditto. It helps if you’re a WCRA member. Especially after your second year. 10% discount storewide. Free shipping on anything over $99. I wouldn’t buy everything from them (like that soft wash kit - holy smokes), but a lot of stuff I will. It helps that you can talk to a knowledgeable salesperson with actual cleaning experience, almost any time day or night.

Last night around 10pm, I was chatting with Jersey Josh about wfp quick connects. His final recommendation after a couple of minutes of back and forth? “Check Amazon.” No attempt to push me toward a product they carry, that wouldn’t quite do what I was looking for.

That kind of customer service is what has me checking their store before anywhere else. If I find what I need for a reasonable price, I don’t bother searching any further to try and find a better price. My time and sanity is worth more than that :wink:

I am stoked to see what kind of improvements they have in store for their pw’ing inventory. It can’t come fast enough, lol. I have a feeling they will make a serious dent in this market, the same way they did with window cleaning supplies back in 2007.


Plus… I wanna be a professional, well rounded contractor @Racer … my best friend lives in Greenville and he wants to start pw’ing too ! Lol. Hes gonna come up and work with me for a couple days this month, so in another 6 months you could have some competition down there !