Talking about it! Now its time to deliver

Eliminator doesn’t increase the potency of bleach, but it does allow it to hang on the surface longer so it has more contact time.

This is actually a pretty good article about the different types of chlorine.

Now to the question…those granuals take an hour to dissolve. Which isn’t so bad when it’s at the bottom of my pool, but a bit inconvenient for pressure washing. You will cause a clog and still not get what you are looking for since it has a pH of about 7 and is a disinfectant, And algacide, not great for mold.

If you are so worried that you have 6% instead of 12.5% you could always use a pump up sprayer to apply it :woman_facepalming:

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Save up some money with the jobs you are doing now and invest into a 12v roof system. They sell them already setup up for you or you can make your on for cheaper and its not hard. With your SH you can go as strong as you will probably ever need to go. This will make your life alot easier for under $1000. You can get a gas system for about $2500 also.

I was just about to ask giving my situation with a low sh concentration that a 12 v system would be my best way of achieving some good result.

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@ CaCO3Girl I was Speaking to a pool professional who said you can use Cal hypo but you need to mix a batch and add aluminium sulphate ( flock ) to the mix and waits until it drops and is clear. Will this work or this is refreshing to pool cleaning only?

“Elemonator is a liquid house wash and multipurpose cleaner that not only is bleach stable but also boosts the alkalinity of bleach“


there is hope for me yet !! 12v softwash system would be my best choice.

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DS when you can but sometimes you are going to need to go stronger. You could soap with the 12v and rinse with the PW. Plus post treat concrete and do roofs.

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@Grizz so would my mix ratio be the same as if I had the stronger SH( this is my working please correct me if I am wrong) so in my case if I use the 6% SH x the amount I want to use then divide it by the gallon size I would use I should be ok .

Mix ratio is dependent on what you’re cleaning. What do you mainly wash there?

Mainly plastered homes but in the states i think it refered to as Stucco

Down streaming with 6.25% won’t touch it so, as mentioned, a 12v is your best option. You could probably just mix your 6.25% 50/50 in your mix tank. That would give you about a 3% sh mix. You could probably go even weaker. Just mess around with the mix until it cleans for you.


yes given all the feed back and knowledge for you guys this has been a good learning experience for me and the 12 v would be my best option. ( time to start shopping for one)

I have to ask, couldn’t he just use straight up 6% storebought and an open Xjet M5? Wouldn’t require adding water to the bucket.

A xjet might work at times but not everything. I think the xjet is 3:1 without using a proportioner. If using 6.25% that’s roughly 2% and as strong a mix as he could get. If he mainly washes stucco and concrete he’s going to need the option of going stronger.

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so i should really stick with the 12v for apply my chems so i worked it out to be 5 gal sh to 20 gal of water + eliminator which i think is a 1.5% mix

See if 1.5% works for you. I doubt it’ll be strong enough for all your stucco jobs but will work for some. You can always mix it stronger when need be.

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I think an x-jet without proportioner is about 50/50?

You could be right. I just remember seeing 3:1 but I’ve never tested it myself. Even still, there will probably be times he needs more than 3%. If it was just an every now and then thing he could probably get by with a pump up but he said almost everything is stucco where he’s at. I bet stuff gets covered in algae being on a tropical island.

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@marinegrunt you are right Algae is what most homes here is covered in being in the tropic.

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