Smoker competition (first time)

Not yet. Thinking about ordering an aluminum one.

That’s what I’m going to build. They are super simple to make.

I don’t have an aluminum welder and haven’t ever welded it. I could probably take the design to my local fabrication guy and have it built cheaper. I’ll have to feel that out once I’m back into washing. I’ve checked out of water works for the year.

I would build you one but Va is a long way to ship something that big. Aluminum is not that hard to weld just gotta keep moving

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I’m not against a long drive! But I’ll see what it costs locally first!

Your ribs probably taste better than all the others posted but you have to take tweezers and small scissors to cut up leafs and place them all around it whike your ribs get cold if you want to win.

4x8 with reel shelf and ladder rack cross bars for tanks c channel for forks on the bottom around 2500

You ribs will not get cold if you know what you are doing

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True if you position the leafs right it should hold in the heat. :joy::joy::joy:

Have you added uo what it will cost you to make your own skid yet? My buddy @marinegrunt said he will make me a custom one for the price of material.

They run about 2500 for a 4x8 if it’s all welded aluminium

That’s not horrible! I could do it in steel cheaper.

Oh yeah 25% cheaper but its heavy

I actually have most of the pipe in the shop up in the rafters to build one. If it’s a slow winter I’ll get bored.

I’ve got 7,000 of payload I believe :sunglasses:

Well if you already got it why not. I got a few things to build this winter. I’m kinda hoping it’s slow but looks like I will be brick washing till at least January

That sounds horrible! :cold_face:

Ha ha ,looking like I won’t be the only PW running antifreeze through his machine all winter.


Brick washing kinda sucks but it pays really well

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Yeah,yeah ,I know. You use windshield washer fluid

That’s what I use but you gotta do what works for you