Small surface cleaner nozzle test

My knowledge is limited, but aren’t they all essentially the same level of simplicity? Engine, trasition mechanism (gear/belt/direct), and pump…unloader then hose?

Well, an 8 will soap and rinse 2x as fast as a 4…so it definitely will shorten the game if not change it…

I operate with no buffer tank or bypass currently.

Seems like a logical conclusion. Looking forward to that experience

I cannot begin to tell you how much faster an 8 is compared to a 4, and the height difference is shocking. We’re talking 4 stories with a good shooter tip.

The only advantage of a 4 is the stronger mix it puts on a house.

I keep hearing you guys talk about the 8s drawing weak. Down here in south Florida for the most part about 20’ high is high and the 4 is no problem for that. Im sure its going to be faster with the 8. Ive just never used one. It gets me really excited to see what ill be able to do with one for sure

How do you do that quote thing

I forgot to mention that the reason 20’ high is no problem is because the topography here is dead flat

you’re not kidding, played golf with a buddy near West Palm that they built on a landfill…that trash pile was the highest thing for 100s of miles I think…

To quote just highlight the text and “quote” will pop-up

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I’ve found that running a 2.1 on my 8 with fresh sh tackles most jobs

I was having a bad time with it but I think my sh was old

Thank you for the quotation information. Landfills and rock quarries are the highest elevations we have. So you had a treat! A fellow golfer! I dont recall anybody admitting to be a golfer on this forum. I started at 13 and love it. Our local course is reopening on Saturday! Im so excited

Okay. I tried to highlight by dragging my finger across the text but nothing happened. I use a phone maybe that makes a difference. How do you highlight?

The finger swipe thing is iffy at best and I never 100% get all the part I want to quote. There are way more cooler things in life to do than golf. I did putt putt as a kid but I was a Ft bragg baby and Fayetteville is the home of putt putt. In the 70’s you could get a day long pass with a hot dog and drink for $3.


Lmfao! To me golf is a challenging and rewarding walk in the park

Tell us more about this hack Texan. Hahaaa!


I think 6.8 is double the 4gpm, but that’s probably because the 4 wasn’t actually 4 in the first place. Finding a good engine to run a high gpm rig is a big challenge these days if you’re a Honda guy like me. Harbor Freight to the rescue!

Bacardi is for weak “men” that can’t handle tequila and Billy Ray Cyrus is from Kentucky and that’s all you need to know about him to know he sucks.

Achy Breaky Heart was aight

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Whole load of Kentuckians about to light their torches and storm into Texas looking for me…

Meanwhile, in Missouri…

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My supplier has shipping containers of commercial machines. Quality supply to the rescue! Just look, the equipment is out there. You just have to pay for it