Small surface cleaner nozzle test

Stayed home with a sick kid today and found myself wanting to be outside rather than in the house. After washing and waxing the truck I was still bored so I decided to do a test with some meg nozzles I’ve been meaning to experiment with on my little surface cleaner. The surface cleaner came with nozzles already installed but I had no clue what size they were or if I could find a size that would work more efficiently for me.

Note: Innocentbystander can’t watch this video as he’ll disapprove of the surface cleaner being lifted off the ground…and so many other things! But no ball valves here!


Warning: this video is rated IBS-17 which may contain content not suitable for small children or Innocent Bystanders. Viewer discretion is advised.


I started with that little thing. Did it’s job well enough but get you a WW soon as you can.

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0 degree nozzles! :pensive: -hit happens

Definitely wasn’t 0-degree nozzles. I’ve used it for four seasons with great - slow - results.


Its been my experience that the cheap surface cleaners utilize 0 degree nozzles to make up for lack of output

I have never seen a surface cleaner with zero degree tips.

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Neither have I.

Your voice is completely 1000% opposite of what I had in my head. I just expect all your Carolinians to sound like Racer, I guess.

“Here’s my water taaaaaank” lol


Did you happen to throw a pressure gauge at the gun and see the difference?

I tried to warn you! Not suitable for small children.


I was born and spent the first 18 years of my life in South Carolina, but both of my parents where yankees. Then I married my wife who’s from Vermont. And after that we spent 7 years in Colorado. I get it all the time when talking to my clients…”Where’d you say you are from again? You don’t sound southern.” The drawl comes out at times when I’m in a long conversation with some close friends.
Here’s another one of me, that was “professionally” done:


Don’t own one so I can’t tell ya. I mean I ain’t own that daggum thang so I caint tell y’all.

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Ah, that’ll do it to ya lol

It happens to the best of us, my friend.

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:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: my face hurts I laughed so hard at that.

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He doesn’t have the southern drawl. Thomas, where are you from? Sorry, didn’t scroll down far enough. You’re almost a foreigner. :grinning:

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Danged ol’ transplants man I tell ya what.


I knew it! They’re neighbors.

Dagone yo man i tellnyou what

I love seeing people testing. That’s how you learn.

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