In light of the recent controversial announcement on the new BMPs being proposed in Orange County, California, I have interviewed Robert Hinderliter to get some answers about the situation. I have posted an article, based on his responses, on our[ website here](In light of the recent announcement about the proposed BMPs for Orange County, California – and all the controversies that followed – I have interviewed Robert Hinderliter to get his side of the situation, and hopefully answer a few questions. You can find the article here:
Thanks Allison, great interview. One question though, did you confirm Mr. Hinderliner’s statements with the Orange County AHJ’s? I think a statement from them (OC AHJ’s) corroborating what was said in your article will truly put to rest any and all misconceptions or perceptions that others may have once and for all.
Again Great Article!
So much for years ago, then changed to 2010.
[QUOTE=GuyB;25742]Thanks Allison, great interview. One question though, did you confirm Mr. Hinderliner’s statements with the Orange County AHJ’s? I think a statement from them (OC AHJ’s) corroborating what was said in your article will truly put to rest any and all misconceptions or perceptions that others may have once and for all.
Again Great Article![/QUOTE
I have corroborated this with Orange County officials and am working to get a statement from them. Hopefully I will have it available sometime today.
I put in the wrong year and take responsibility for that error. I changed the wording 4 hours after the article went on line and included a retraction at the end.
I want to clarify my statement about corroborating (I would just edit but I don’t think I can).
I caught a representative first thing this morning right before she went into a meeting, so we had to talk quickly. I didn’t get to go over everything in the article, but tried to hit the high points. Here’s what was corroborated:
- OC came to PWNA, not vice versa. PWNA provided some feedback; OC wrote the BMPs.
- OC is required to have stricter regulations than most areas of the country. There are a lot of things that are tougher than in other parts of the country – or California – for that matter. This particular agency has no power to lessen these tougher regulations (nor does the PWNA).
- The main thing they are looking for in the public comment period is whether or not the BMPs are easy to understand. Again, they can’t change a lot of the regulations.
Great job again Allison!!!
Can you let go of the allegations now Guy?
I would like to here when she gets the final say so…
Seems to be some conflicting information circulating Rob, I’m gonna sit back and let this drama play out. In a way I hope what I’m hearing is not true because it will be a sad situation.
Why not elaborate? this is exactly why you all **** people off. You say Robert doesn’t answer questions but you make vague comments and its ok in your mind. Why not elaborate Guy?
You know whats funny Guy. Remember Charlotte right? Wasn’t there a drought going on when that played out. Now you got guys like Carlos chiming in (and I’m sure it has to do with the bosses) about this is bad timing because of the drought. If you cant win the fight keep coming up with the next question or fight right? That’s total BS. All you guys are doing is wasting time. Your org said they wanted to unite the industry yet all they do is draw lines in the sand. The manipulation and misleading facts to new contractors is unreal. Let it continue and see what happens to this industry.
I’m done ranting. Got work to do. And then maybe a ****ing competition with a pig.
Rob, I’m not going to comment on information that can’t be confirmed. I would rather see it come from the horses mouth so to speak.
I never said anything about a drought anywhere…but to answer your question…No, there was no drought situation in Charlotte at the time of their workshop…Raleigh had a drought situation but that was a few years before the Charlotte workshop…see this is a perfect example of confirming information.
My concerns are from a business owners perspective. I don’t represent any Org. nor are my views dictated by any Org. or bosses or whatever.
Rob, you are an educated Man and whether you believe it or not (even though we’ve never met) I respect you. I don’t understand why we can’t communicate on the boards with mutual respect and without the need of ****** replacing words.
If you feel I have disrespected you in some way…I apologize openly, right here, right now.
I will say though that the only thing I know is true about this situation is that the OC people did reach out to Robert. I’m not sure, but I’m not sure I ever said they didn’t. If I did then I was wrong.
I’m hope more information about this will be forthcoming.
Honestly I don’t think you ever disrespected me. Maybe you did. Who knows. My skin is thick and I can take it. But I can also dish it out. Most people cant take it. Just been my experience. My problem with your comments are your disrespect for Robert. And the accusations that so many have toward him. Why not call him? No you would rather come on the boards and result in the BS. And yes I do believe you are influenced as many others are by the West Coast Mafia…LOL.
Some things don’t change Guy. We did meet but then again you don’t remember that. So…let me ask you this. When is enough enough Guy? Several people asked questions. Allison did very good research and reported FACTS!!! And yet it still is never enough? That’s total BS! You guys remind me of a dog chasing its own tail. He just keeps going and going. Sooner or later he may catch but guess what? He ended up with crap in his mouth. Good tasting CRAP. Instead of making vague comments why don’t you spill the beans on what you were referring to that you heard??? I did. And I will defend Robert because I have a history of knowing exactly where he is coming from and not the BS lies some seem to leave to interpretation.
Rob Robert told me face to face last year at the pwna convention that he was going to shop bmp’s to the ahj’s in my area. So you can say what you want that is all I need to know it came out of his mouth sitting right in his big white trailer hooked to his big motorhome.
Hey Orlando-did Robert really say he’s going to "Shop "them? Was that his words or someone else’s. I’ve know Robert 20yrs now and I never heard him use that expression. A certain individual we all know says that continuously about Robert but I personallly Never heard Robert say such a thing.
John Robert said he was going to present the ahj’s with his bmp’s if that doesn’t mean shop them I don’t know what does.
First off Rob I don’t disrespect Robert as a person, matter of fact I respect him as a shrewd and successful businessman and a Veteran, just for that I say God Bless & Thank You.
But I don’t have to agree with or respect where he’s going with his environmental agenda. I saw the videos from Houston, I read the emails sent to the Vegas AHJ’s, the (Searchable) links to pollution on PW boards that have nothing to do with our Industry, yet tie us to it. He is presenting himself to these people as representing our Industry…The whole Industry…and this is just not true. Yet what he does will effect the Industry if he is not held in check.
No doubt, Allison did a great job of reporting her findings, but depending on who she talked to…it may or may not be fact. And that is absolutely no slight against her…I want to make that very clear.
If we met at the “Frozen Greensboro Roundtable” I apologize not remembering, Cody and I stayed in the Van most of the time with the heater on…being a Newbie I tried to keep a low profile.
If there are “Beans To Spill” I ain’t got them…
You can defend Robert the PWNA or whoever else you want to Rob…I may not agree with you on certain subjects but I will never assume someone is influencing you or pulling your strings just because I don’t agree with you, that’s not the person you are…and that’s the person I respect.
Hey Guy one quick question, comment and statement then I’m going to leave this alone here. Correct me if I’m wrong but I don’t believe Thad was ever the President of the UAMCC (I’m sure he would have been a huge asset there if he was today)
Now for the comment- The lines in the Sand are drawn on this and it’s never going to get solved on the net. Peoples minds are made up.
Now for the statement-- This is PWRA’s bb do they really want this to continue here? I would think not.
As Bill O’Reilly says on the Factor…go ahead take the last word.
So did he say he was going to shop them or not? Your two comments on the subject contradict each other. See how your wording can misunderstand? Or are you just chiming in to stir more controversy?
Good start…lol. I respect our veterans as well. I have a long history of them in my family.
Thad was never president as far as I can remember. Maybe he can chime so we can get to the bottom of that. Are you being serious? Are you lying about that? Why bring Thad into it now? See what I mean Guy. It never ends. As far as I am concerned the U-888 screwed up in letting Robert go. The ego’s that are there couldn’t handle someone telling them something factual. Whether you like or not. That’s why when I was on the TT I told Carlos to bring Robert in. I knew enough to get by but honestly don’t know the in’s and out’s like Robert. So now you jump to including Vegas. So why not tell me what exactly happened in Vegas? Since you are the reporter of it and please Guy make sure you state facts. Want me to show a news link of the sanitary sewer in Vegas? You have no idea about how bad it is there. So now you say Allison did a great job depending on “who” she talked to…lol. Really? What isn’t factual that she reported? Please do tell.
I do believe we met at Celeste’s RT and Myrtle Beach as well. Could be wrong but I do remember meeting a two different occasions. No big deal. As for the “beans to spill” I was referring to your comments in the earlier post that you had some info…Please open the book and do tell. Share so we can all know. Or just shut it down and stop stirring crap. You know what I mean? Thank you for saying you respect me. I don’t care who agrees with me or when they do. I say what I know. I say what I believe. And I am sick and tired of people stirring crap about this or that. Some of these people have such a history of being crooks, lying, being deceitful that they honestly shouldn’t post anything anywhere. You know what I mean Guy?
Take care. And like I said I hope you can let it go with Robert. This whole thing is ridiculous.
Did he use the word shop no, did he say he was going to the ahj’s with his bmp’s yes. Im not chiming in to create anything My comments do not contradict at all Im stating a fact you wanted proof there you go. Rob I really don’t care if you believe me or not.