

See if my signature worked.


The logo did not upload right

Billy, here is a post I wrote in 2009 for another forum and I will probably make it a sticky here too.

"First off, welcome to PWRA FORUM! We are so glad you decided to join our forum here. Some of the guys I want to introduce you are the fine people who post information day in and day out. I will let you take the time to introduce yourself and meet them later on. Whether you are new to the business, looking to get in, or been in it for 25 years. You can learn something here. I have taken the time to help you “Newbies” out and get you caught up so you can jump in with both feet and join in the fun, but before you do, take time to read and do the information listed below.

  1. Filling out your signature:

It is kind of an unwritten rule around here that if you are a newbie, you need to fill out you signature. What is a signature? It is the information at the bottom of every post that you make that gives your personal information about you.

Fill in the appropriate information such as your name, company name, location, website, etc. Most people like to know who they are talking to and you will usually get a better response by doing so.

  1. Using the search button:

Being a newbie, I know you have a ton of questions. We all did. Here is how you get your answers. Use the search feature at the top right hand corner called the search button. Nothing grates on the members here than the new guy wanting everything handed to him on his first two posts. Here is the reason why. Most basic questions you might ask have been answered several times here. Most of us have had to “pay our dues” by reading and reading, and then reading some more and it has taken us months to digest all the info that is on here. You will find that PT State has a wealth of knowledge, if you will just look for it. Use it kind of a “catch you up to speed” button if you will. You will find most of the information you have questions about can be found by using the search function for the website. Most people here like for you to introduce yourself, get to know everyone a little. Post some before you dive in asking people how to do this or clean that. Chances are, it has been asked before.

How to use the search button
OK this is where it is both tricky and complex but when you learn how to use it can be your best friend. The search button only searches the section that you are in. For example, if you are in the roof cleaning forum and you want to search for ladders, it will only search in the roof cleaning forum. Want to search a broader base? Go back to the main page that lists all the forums and do a search there. Want to search something that a member said in a past thread? Go to the ‘members’ tab on the top (up by profile and search) and find the member you want, click on his profile and then search his posts.

Also, pay attention to each thread and try to keep your posts related to the topic at hand. Example, try not to ask a roof cleaning question in a wood cleaning thread, etc. Most of all, I cannot stress enough, read, read, and read some more. While you are reading, introduce yourself and get to know people on the board. We would love to have you!"

[MENTION=8230]Billy63[/MENTION] Pricing is a topic that has been debated and most often 1 or more people usually gets ****ed off during the debate. There is no right answer to what to charge. There are too many factors like how many days can you work a year, your location, are you doing it full time or part time, and many, many more. My favorate ans was from Ken Fenner on another board his ans was to charge what you need to stay in business. With that said I think everyone’s goal should be to develop the experience, knowledge, marketing plan and confidence to charge (and get) a premimun price. That’s my goal and although it didn’t get off to the best of starts I think you should consider joining the PWRA. I believe that will help you reach your goals better than anything esle out there. BTW, John, the guy your where debating with posted a nice spreadsheet that could help you with what to charge. Just my thoughts and you can shot me a PM if you have any other questions

[MENTION=1400]Clear Shine Maintenance[/MENTION]

Thanks for the tip but one question how do i get my logo to upload right so it can be displayed?

Thanks Sean, true it is a touchy subject. From what I have read in the past that there are a lot of people out there under bidding and not doing quality work (not saying that everyone that charges cheap does bad work at all). I’m going into this full time and in the winter not the smartest things to do with a pressure washing business but its all and what I have to do. The only thing i have been able to afford new is the pressure washer and I’m purchasing most everything used and its going to be exposed in the back of my truck which is no one’s problem but mine. I keep reading don’t quote someone cheap but high (on Google search). I really hate that this post went the way it did but it is what it is. Again thanks for the advice.

Billy, I’m on my phone right now and out on the road but [MENTION=803]Thad[/MENTION] or [MENTION=1]Chris[/MENTION] or [MENTION=7889]JessicaPWR[/MENTION]A should have someone jump in to help you.

Thanks I got it to work.

Sent from my iPhone using Pressure Washing Resource

[MENTION=8230]Billy63[/MENTION] Feel free to send me an email any time you need assistance ( I’d be happy to help–especially with profile changes such as signature, avatar, settings, etc. Those things are very easy for me to do in the back end.

Hey Billie, somewhere in this thread someone pretty much quoted Ken Fenner which what was said is pretty much how I charge as well.

The one thing I have over the newbies in my area is I know the ball park pricing structure of what a contractor on average will charge to clean a house(know your area). Where usually a little bit more expensive but not by much.

Case in point because I even network with my local contractors when possible, one of the newer contractors(2nd year in business) in my area called me and said he can’t believe no one is calling him when he prices a 2000sq’ vinyl house to be cleaned in the $1000 range. He’s reasoning is that he deserves that for the work he does. He’s not understanding that the average customer is not going to just throw their money away.

I told him basically the prices we charge and in those prices their buying our excellent work and that we back up our work as well. We can do a 2000sq’ house in around an hour and gone. His response was That I should still get the $1000 and I said if I could…I would but that’s not realistic or even close.

Well last month this guy called to say he’s going out of business and if I was interested to buy any of his equipment.

Moral of the story-- charge what you can to keep yourself in business and also make a decent profit for yourself which will keep you in business. To make it simpler-- it’s like Ken Fenner says “Charge what you can to keep you in business”.

Good luck.

First and Foremost welcome to the PWRA [MENTION=8230]Billy63[/MENTION]… Im a cpl hrs away from you in Raleigh. As mentioned before pricing is always going to be a delicate situation due to areas people live in. NC has a LOT of PW’rs and pricing goes any where from $99 and up. Although you don’t want to be on the Lower end of Powerwashing you still need to figure out what YOU need to make. Kinda find that money balance when quoting jobs. Now You may price a job a lot lower by accident but then you learned and can adjust and make what you need on the next job… The PWRA is leading the way in helping new ones in business or to the industry to become successful. If you ever need anything a lot of great people are either a message,phone call, or a Facebook post away. Anytime you need some help just let us know…

Billy what do you think is the price for cement cleaning in the charlotte area??

Join Angies list. Most reviews contain what they paid. I found all the pricing info I will ever need for my area. Just do a search for pressure washing and you can see a couple dozen pressure washers in the area and you’ll be able to figure out how much they are charging.

it took me several weeks of asking silly questions and getting ignored and getting frustrated before I figured this stuff out, I came to understand that if I worked my butt off for 10,20,30 years, learning things the hard way on my own. I would not give my knowledge away without at least a little respect and patience, not saying this to anyone in particular just sharing my own thoughts and experiences :slight_smile:
Merry Christmas!

Josh Rouse
Carolina Clean

[MENTION=8230]Billy63[/MENTION] hey bud I work in the charlotte area and would be glad to help out. Call Carolina’s Best ask for dan (704) 307-6221

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everyone has different overhead cost for there business(insurance,workers comp,employees,equipment, etc) so prices are always going to be different even with companies in the same county. What i did was first figure out how much it cost you to do the job. calculate everything!(your time, chems, gas, everything). Then come up with what you need to make an hour cause everyone has more or less bills due each month. Once you come up with your expenses and how much you need to make an hour then go out and find all the work you can! just keep throwing the prices at them…some youll get and some youll loose to the 99 dollar house wash guy or to the neighbors thatll do a whole house for 50 dollars lol

[MENTION=8230]Billy63[/MENTION]…Welcome to the PWRA! Where in NC are you located?

John Somers & Shannon Hoops
Aqua Clean Pro Pressure Washing

I know this is a older post but I would like to add a comment as well. I am in eastern N.C.
I got so much advice from members on this forum and I have read so much and still do
Never seem to know enough
My business has grown alot But now there are all these signs popping up everywhere with guys claiming they soft wash and offering $99.00 house washes. I have seen some of these guys equipment and there is almost No way they really softwash I know they see my van and trailer and it’s advertised all over it I know one guy personally who always ask me what I use. He said he soft washes and uses clorox and the pink tip from lowes. I asked him what he does about windows and he says I go around them. haha. OK. He also brags that he can wash a 2000 sq. Ft house in three hours and charges 99.00
Well. Last summer I lowered my prices to compete with these guys then decided it was a mistake and if people want to pay 99.00 for them to clean they can have it. I am not the most expensive but not the cheapest either. We have equipment supplies. up keep and Insurance most don’t
So what I can tell you is figure how long it takes you to clean a house and how much your costs are and go from there
For me to be competitive somewhat I usually charge 160.00 or so for 2000 sq.ft but It takes usually a hour to setup clean and leave.and I get my chemical cheaper than most But we do alot of commercial work and that pricing is a whole different story
I personally would like to do just commercial work and let all these 99.00 dollar guys go away. But that is not goin to happen. Cause the ones that stop more come.
But how do you make money at 99.00 for 3 hours of work not counting costs. No way you can make it

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It’s crazy to even imagine doing 3 jobs at 3 hours a piece and coming up with $300. But I guess if they’re booked up at 5 days a week then they’re still pulling in 1500 a week and 6000 a month if it’s a 1 man job. shrug
It’s our job to make the customer understand that those cheaper rates come with added liability. If you’re running for homecoming King, sometimes you gotta discredit the other guy to win. lol