Does the calculator figure in YOUR expenses?
First off I was being laughed at so am I suppose to say thank you for that an I’m the one being a JERK wow very unprofessional. Wait thank you.
Sent from my iPhone using Pressure Washing Resource
Yes, but I don’t know how accurate it is on the expenses I think it an average.
Sent from my iPhone using Pressure Washing Resource
how does it know what you pay your employees?
what your office rent is?
how many machines you have?
how much fuel you need for one day?
how many trucks you have?
how much you pay yourself?
how much is your vehicle ins.?
how much profit you need to make in order to reach your annual goals to grow your business?
how much your ins. costs?
This is what it says:
House Exterior Surface Labor
Direct labor expenses to power wash house. 2.2 hours
House Exterior Surface Job Materials and Supplies
Cost of supplies that may be required to power wash house including: masking tape and paper, surface repair material, solvents and cleanup supplies.
House Exterior Surface Equipment Allowance
Job related costs of specialty equipment used for job quality and efficiency, including: 3,500+ psi gasoline powered power washer.
For your area the cost calculator quoted $626
For 200 sq ft or 2000 sq ft? The default is set at 200 for some reason.
Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk
Nice start!
[MENTION=7884]Josh Davis[/MENTION]
2000sq for some reason it always goes back to the default settings and you need to make sure you changes it every time.
So Billy are you in any way affiliated with this software?
You are making my point, there are no numbers attached to the statements.
Ditch that friggin site and do a search on this site to find a chart on how to figure out YOUR expenses and calculate daily income needs to meet those expenses. After you know what your daily needs are, you can then determine how many properties you can wash in a day, do some simple math and that will tell you what you need to charge per property.
Your lucky I’m feeling generous this morning because I usually ignore guys that don’t bother filling out a signature
[MENTION=6139]John Doherty[/MENTION]
You will get the same reaction from me as I get from you! I will defend myself no matter what when people are acting unprofessional and cant answer a simple question.
Thank you,
I’m looking for the signature tab now its not like I’m trying to hide something.
Who was acting unprofessional? You asked if a pricing software is accurate, and I told you it was high. It was so far off that I thought it was funny. I was laughing at the software, not you. But then you got all offended and started making demands, like we owe you answers. And it is US that are being unprofessional?
Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk
Ok, but let me give you some advice before I ignore you for good. I know in todays society everyone wants instant gratification, but some of us prefer a polite society. In a forum in a polite society you come on and introduce yourself first and you complete your signature. If you come on and immediately demand answers and make excuses it turns people off and they may not be inclined to help you. This is a great, very positive forum with lots of nice and helpful guys, I’m sure some will be happy to help you.
Good luck.
Well said John.
[MENTION=7884]Josh Davis[/MENTION]
You can think what you want I didn’t demand anything. I just ask you to elaborate on you you were saying was to high. You didn’t say anything about looking at the site did you no. So don’t turn this around about me being the bad guy which in fact I wasn’t doing anything wrong.
What do you mean I didn’t say anything about looking at the site? There was a screenshot of the price quote I got from the site.
Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk
Billy, slow down babe, we’re here to help.
You’re not a bad guy, just currently clueless is all.
Spend some time here, dig into the different areas of the forum a bit and begin to absorb some of the knowledge that is already laid out for your edification.
If Josh says the quotes are too high, he means to say that in his experience, the quotes are going to get you laughed out of town. If you think Josh is wrong, then get off of the computer and go sell some work at whatever prices the website tells you to sell it for.
Then you can comeback and tell us what a clueless bunch we are and we will all apologize for not trusting you the very day you burst onto the scene and informed us all how out of touch we really are. Now go.