How do I adjust my down stream injector do it pulls for example 10:1 or even 20:1
What kind of injector do you have? The one you have might not even be adjustable.
Thanks for responding!! Its adjustable. The dials don’t have numbers on it. If you have a recommendation for a great one; please let me know!!
General pump fixed injector do your dilution in the tank
I’ll be nice and help you out on this one with a freebie. Check out the link.
But for the future the search bar is your best friend.
If you want to know what your adjustable injector is pulling you’d have to do a bucket test. You’re better off getting rid of yours and just using one of the injectors that were mentioned above. If you get a General Pump High Draw you can mix 3 gallons of water and 2 gallons of sh. You might need to adjust the mix depending on your pressure washer. Different gpm pumps will effect draw rate.
Thank you all
Now that’s is for downstreaming @Kleen . You were asking the difference on here earlier ,so what method are you choosing ?
I’m down stream in my fleet washing chemicals