Paint removal on concrete race track

No luck getting this off. Any ideas

What have you tried so far?

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So you gotta do better than that. Who are you? What type of equipment are you using? What have you tried? From the picture it doesn’t look like you have tried anything yet. Need more information

Lol I’m Austin I’m a Fireman as well clean on my days off. I tried a stripper from local hardware store called strypeeze? Rolled it on let it sit for around 20 minutes tried with a turbo nozzle 4000 psi. Very little came up

Turbo nozzle and stripper

Looks like Sebring. Stuff has baked into real old concrete for nearly a year. Going to need some heat and a serious stripper. I’d be charging by the hour for that one.

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What about the Sandblasting attachment?

Sebring it is! Yes sir at this point I’m just trying to help them find a quicker way. They have to strip the finish line every year. Thanks

@Austin13 I would try smart strip or sur klean makes a heavy duty stripper. But to be honest a dustless blaster would probably be the best. Definitely hot water

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I use this for stripping paint from metal, 100% satisfied, but you might be there a while,So I’d go hourly as @Racer suggested no matter what route you go. Also you gotta keep it moving, it will definitely etch that concrete very quickly.

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@Hotshot I got one too I love it busted out the back window of my new truck with it.

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I’m sorry bout you window man :face_with_hand_over_mouth:. I just used mine bout 2 weeks ago, Client wanted to stretch and repaint his frame. Awesome attachment, and no plume of sand to breathe in is a plus. :+1:

I put my asparagus thru my wife’s Ram when I got my new machine, Had a dude on forklift try to pull it out ,forks not long enough, So I stupidly put my behind on the back glass to help push the machine out. I pushed it alright. lol
Make ya feel better story @Firefighter4hire

Haha. I felt so dumb I used that black magic medium and I was cleaning the frame looked up and saw all the black specks on my truck and just moved the want up to rinse off still blowing media shattered the glass in .2 seconds. All I could was call the glass man

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I’ve got one of those in the shop. Haven’t taken it out of the box yet. But I need to blast and repaint 2 plows. About how much sand does it suck up? How many bags do you think a plow would need?

A local power washing company contacts with city to remove and replace the street decals sfind lines. They use what looks like a riding mower with a big wire brush wheel and it takes about a minute. Theres dust, but not alot as it takes chunks of paint off at a time.

I did the whole frame of my truck with 3 40lb bags you can use regular sand but you gotta sift it first. I like the black diamond media. @SchertzServicesLLC

So if I don’t want to sift it I just buy the media blast sand?

Yes just buy good media I get mine at tractor supply or harbor freight they have the best in stock price in my area

How big a mess does the wet sand make? Wife wanting me to strip some old wrought iron furniture. Does it blow it everywhere or stay in say a 5-10’ radius? How much is a bag?