Ok, so flexzilla

I just put small children from the local swim school in my tanks. Win win.


Either travel empty or full no problems then

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Did a home today and filled my tote with 2 garden hoses.
When i finished, a neighbor wanted his home done, but had to feed the kids.
Didnt want to leave the trailer and come back, nor did i want to dump about 150gl of water.
Soā€¦ i drove with with it to gas station and back, about, 8 miles back and forth.
Did not like how it felt.
ā€¦want baffle balls!!

This is a lot cheaper and what I used when I ran with 225 gallon tanks

I bet your wife gives you that ā€œLOOKā€ a lot! :joy:

Whatā€™s the reason for everyone being so concerned about water slosh? Maybe I just donā€™t understand. Whatever water I have in the tank is whatā€™s in the tank and I donā€™t give it a second thought.


@Rusty it all depends on kind of tank and Iā€™ve found size of truck and trailer have a lot to do with it. If your using a square tank like Iā€™m using if itā€™s not full or completely empty the truck and trailer will porpoise or bounce the entire time your drivingā€¦also the acceleration surges as do the brakesā€¦and itā€™s super exaggerated the smaller the vehicle or if the springs and shocks could use a good replacement lolā€¦when Iā€™m using my smaller truck sometimes it makes me damn near seasick if the tank is half full lol

They all have wittle trucks lol


I think I can,I think I can. Toot,Toot


lmao jajajaja

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You know what they say about guys with big trucksā€¦


Canā€™t remember who asked about the reel situation with the cam locks, but here it is:

Ya broke it !

why @squidskc? :cry:

haha I was talking to Steve at Dultmeier yesterday and explaining the problems IBS is having with the injectors and what the fix is. I told him about the video I made about the injectors and they pulled it up. In the video I say that ā€œif Dultmeier sees this you need to fix your website because sucks to use.ā€ or something of that natureā€¦ so I might have actually broke it.


Yeah I saw the vid. Aceā€™s ā€¦I was trying to order more stack brushes and was gonna try that GP DS on your video, along with the cam locks youā€™ve been showing off. O well. Another day

I tried to buy about $400 worth of stuff there last week and couldnā€™t. I ended up buy from pressuretek and envirospec.
Do you have to be a member or something?

I donā€™t ,just an account. I bought truck stuff off them last year. Obviously you have to be @squidskc and put on a video for them in this year to get anything. :joy:

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I donā€™t order ANYTHING from Dultmeier online. I call every order in. Itā€™s the easiest way unfortunately, but the service is worth it.

In other news, Pressuretek took 3 days instead of the normal 2 to receive new viton o rings and a fiver of elemonatorā€¦ I hope Bobā€™s okay. Lol

I agreeā€¦ hope all is well.

Put order in Monday at 11PM and i didnt get shipping info until the following day.

I had to call Dultmeier also. I bought the last two of Squids injectors.
I CAN NOT get a hold of anyone at Envirospec. Wanting to upgrade my pump,but I have tight space issues. Sent them an email last Thursday, no response. Tried calling them of and on ALL day, no answer.
Does anybody have an ā€œINā€ with Envirospec, or are they on vacation?