No bleach?

Hey everyone I’m new to pressure washing. I bought my first machine and it tells me not to use bleach. For one it will void my warranty if used. The pw has a built in tank and specifically says no surfactants or bleach. Would it really harm my tank?

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No surfactants or bleach? what’s the tank for then. If you are going to pressure wash with no bleach or surfactants, good luck. I’m going to guess that the tank is some sort of poly material, so bleach won’t harm it. Surfactant is just soap, so I can’t imagine what they are talking about. Everything happens after the pump, so unless your fittings and hose are made out of an organic material, you are good to go.

So, this tank, does it introduce soap before the pump?

Read up on downstreaming, the limits that hinder upstreaming do not apply.

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I dont talk to strangers

It’s just saying that bleach or solvent blade detergents will damage the pump.

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Look into what “down streaming” is and you won’t have to worry about this issue. HINT: use the search function for the word stated above and read… Then read some more, read every post until your brain hurts…

Britton Emerson
Emerson Exteriors

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You didn’t answer Tim’s question. What machine do you have? Also go here and fill out a signature so the fine folks here know who they are talking to.

It’s gotta be a box store machine.

My brain hurts just reading this post…can I stop now? lol

Is it a little on-board buffer tank? In that case, yes, you don’t wanna put anything in there except water.

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[QUOTE=Tim4;34252]So, this tank, does it introduce soap before the pump?

Read up on downstreaming, the limits that hinder upstreaming do not apply.[/

I’m not quite sure exactly. I just bought my first one. It’s a starter 2700 for residential only. Here’s an image.

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Yes it is. I’m a beginner. So I did not want to or know which to buy to learn with. I’ll use it to make more money to buy a better one soon. I’m a window cleaner really, and the only reason I’m doing this is because I was giving away all the pressure washing requests to someone else. I was giving away money.

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with that machine, you are actively throwing away money, before you even get paid.

I dont know how I did the double quote but if the “edit” function was working, I would fix it

How so? And what would you suggest in the future for my next purchase. Remember all I will do is an occasional residential house driveway or deck.

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The minimum for a cleaning contractor is 4 gpm. The recommended is 5.5-8 gpm. The most you are going to make with that machine is minimum wage. And you still didn’t add your signature.

This is a downstream injector. Attach it on the high pressure hose barb connection coming off the pressure washers unloader valve. The idea behind it is that the vacuum it creates from the flowing water introduces the chemicals into the water downstream of the pump so it doesn’t eat the seals and corrode the pump parts. You don’t want to run cleaning chemicals through the pump at all. If you dont want to downstream, you can add a chemical applicator tip (x-jet) to your tool set. For me, i prefer downstreaming.

All Clean Power Washing Solutions, LLC

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Perfect! Thank you this helps a lot. I watched a video on the subject for more clarification.

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I would suggest you introduce yourself, fill out your signature and use the search button. All the answers to all your questions can be found here and at You have all winter to read, take notes, repeat - Come spring time you will be ready to go