New toy came in

$6200 for the 1075BE, $7200 ish for the 1080BE. Boatner enterprise in poplar bluff Missouri

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I got my eye on the all diesel LANDA 8gpm hot washer next. But I’ll have to sell a kidney …

Honestly, more reasonable than I expected.

Ain’t bad. But if I knew then what I know know. I’d went for a 8gpm off the bat to rinse ,while my 5.5 gpm is laying down soap.

My advice: make the equipment you already have pay for itself big time. Demonstrate the clear correlation between good equipment and increased revenue. (Not saying you aren’t already doing that, of course)

The last time I put in an order to PTek, I told my wife I needed some stuff, and since she keeps the books I asked, “What’s my budget?”

She replied, “It’s for work; get whatever you need. Just let me know what you think you’ll be spending.”

Just a few years ago, we would’ve had to discuss at length whether it was stuff we really needed, and if we had the budget for it. Ordering a $1,500 pressure washer on credit felt like a huge risk.

But over the last couple years, she’s seen how quickly power washing equipment pays us back.

Now, we’re still not at the point where I can impulse-buy a $6k+ hot water unit, but if I closed on a large commercial account where I needed it, I have little doubt that it would be about a 5 minute discussion before ordering.


You, sir, are a lucky man. As am I. When it comes to frivolous purchases she is on my case in a hot second. Now, business stuff–not even a question. Of course, she has a mani/pedi appointment for 5 today. Not sure how that works when she works till 5 but priorities I guess!


You guys got it made. My LOVELY wife is so cheap that in the winter we cut our own wood to warm us twice. Puts a bowl of water in the window with a chicken bone on a string dangling above it. When a shadow of the bone cascades over the bowl of water ? Yep,supper served. SHADOW BONE SOUP. Panty hose over the dryer vent in the winter for non wasted heat😂


Hahahahahahahaha she sounds like my sister.

My sister pinches a penny so tight Lincoln screams! :joy:

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