Hey all, we recently upgraded to a new Pressure Pro Eagle Series 4GPM 4000PSI unit, from a piece of crap big-box-Chineesium brand unit which was 4GPM 4200PSI. After hooking up the new unit we noticed the draw rate was “off” and ran a test of the draw rate and found it was significantly lower. We are using the GP 100835OR after some recommendations on this forum. I’m really confused by the results and hoping you all may have some insight.
When using our “low” soap tip (2540) we draw, at best, 13%. With the traditional black soap tip, or no tip at all, we get almost an unmeasurable amount drawn. Here are some things we have checked so far:
-The direction is correct for the injector
-No clogs in the line/gunged up filter at the end of the draw tube that I can find
-We cut a portion of the draw tube off to make sure there was a good connection
-Verified our unloader was open all the way
Here’s a pic of our current setup. I found several threads with the same question, but have not found a solution that worked for us yet. Sorry for the low quality potato picture - tried to solve this during the day. Thank you in advance.
First off, take the injecter bypass where you have located and move next to reel if possible. That’s a ton of weight between unloader and the by-pass hanging off your pump. Second, set up your by-pass with the injector in the loop. What’s the # on your injector. Should probably by 2.1 or maybe a 1.8. You should be getting right at 10-1 with that machine and right injector.
I 2nd what @mwpws said. I’ve had new injectors pull like crap. Through another one on there and it pulls great. They are unpredictable. Look into the injector with the check valve.
Thank you for the reply. Sadly we don’t have a reel yet (next on the list, my arms are killing me!) but I will try changing the position of the injector in the bypass - I didn’t realize I had it setup wrong. Will post back as soon as I have results.
On that note and to everyone else that replied I’ll look for anywhere near us that sells injectors to swap put. The goal is to get the highest draw rate possible. Recommendations on that are welcome. I’ll update with the orifice of the injector as soon as I get home.
I’m planning to order the 1.8 that Marine recommended above, since Racer also suggested a 1.8. When you say the plumbing is wrong, can you be more specific? Are you referring to what Racer already recommended above regarding swapping the bypass valve and injector positions, or something else?