Have you tried connecting you machine to the spigot with only a few feet of hose like 5ft of 3/4 hose . ?
Your making it way to complicated.
Flow from these spigots is only about 2-3gpm, if that.
You don’t have room In The trailer for a 55 gallon drum? If your trying to gravity feed a direct drive your better off with a 55 gallon plastic drum then a 65 leg tank.
I think my tanks leak more than that. Lol
The drum doesn’t have fittings, I need this done in a couple days or I lose the business. I understand the water column thing though, makes sense. If I can just plug in a 110v booster pump I’m guaranteed at least 10gpm or more depending on which pump I get. Just have to keep an eye on the water level in the tank, easy enough.
install your own bulkhead. Cost $10 and about 10 minutes
Not sure why your asking for advice if you already have it stuck in your head what your going to do.
No offense but the whole booster pump idea is dumb and not needed. Only going to complicate things.
1). Get a tank you can fit in your trailer and install a bulkhead if needed. If you don’t have much room use a 55 gal drum.
Whether you get a booster pump or not you won’t want to travel with a loaded 65 gallon tank on your trailers tounge.
Tounge weight would be over 500 lbs which is no way 10-15% of your total trailer weight. (I’m assuming it’s a small 5x8 single axle
I’ve seen a guy around me set his buffer tank up in a customers yard while he’s working .looked like a 225 I always thought it was odd but maybe he has the same problem you do and that was his solution.
My buffer comes out of trailer when i get to job. Only 55 gal though. Open trailer would be much easier, but im only “kind of full time” for 3 months of the year and convenience of security and storage in down months is worth the small hassle.
My ideas aren’t set in stone, just fielding some ideas. No offense to the gurus on here.
I got the 65 gallon Nowesco tank today so I’ll figure out how to mount it either on the tongue or inside, we’ll see. This is a multi purpose trailer so not trying to bolt anything permanently to it. The tank will be mostly empty until I get to the customer’s house where I’ll just fill it halfway or so with their slow as heck water source.
I’ll take pics once everything is put together.
Space Is a concern for me at the moment. Ive got a big ol 325 legged tank and a 325 tote. I think I just might stack 2 55ga drums, horizontally, connect them and thatll be that. Ill save half the space.
Did they price match it for you
Where ever you mount it, just keep in mind you need to be able to keep a good eye on it. You can run a 65 gallon tank dry in about 15mins. I have the same tank. I ordered and hudson glaot valve some it’ll cut water on and off when needed but still need to keep and eye on it .
Wait you want to put a 65 gallon leg tank on the tongue of the trailer??? Hopefully that tank gives you the gravity you need since it’s horizontal
It should. Remember he has a portable unit. He can just roll it beside the tank and hook up. Should be enough height.
Grizz, they did price match, thanks a million for the tip! Price was $220, they matched it to the $150 no problem.
As for the gravity issue, I also bought a 1500gpm electric pump used for draining pools, etc. 50psi so replicates a good pressure spigot. Tested it tonight, works very well. I did a gravity test with about 15 gallons in the tank, only put out about 2gpm. I’m sure it would be a lot more with more water but I’m not messing around with this.
Share the pump# if you dont mind.
Harbor Freight, $79 (20% off that with coupon).
Outlet would be easier if curbside.