N00b here, planning build, need help!

Hey guys. Total n00b here, diving into the PW world :sweat_smile:

Here is what I have so far, (please chime in with other things I will absolutely need):

4.0 washer, surface cleaner, 5/8 hose reel, 3/8 hose reel, 3/8 hose, 5/8 hose, assorted tips, 15 gallon chem tank, buckets, hand sprayers

now for the trailer, for initial start up is a 5x8 going to be too small? For the future, if I run a water tank, what size would I need?

Thank you for any advice =)

Introduce yourself here: New Member Introductions

Then check this out Equipment List With Links

Then read all of this: Pressure Washing 101 Guide

You’ll find everything you need here by searching. Once you’ve read and understand the basics your questions will become more refined and your comprehension will be much better. Good luck and welcome.

To answer your questions: a 5x8 will work. You can make anything work if you want it bad enough.

You don’t need a buffer tank (water tank) for a 4GPM.

Also are you using a direct drive or belt/gear drive? A direct drive won’t pull water efficiently. Some of them WILL pull enough water to use a buffer but in general they vibrate a lot reducing the ability to pull water efficiently. A booster pump is recommended by manufacturers for all 4GPM direct drives if used with a buffer tank. Later when you upgrade a 5.5GPM can go as low as 35 gallons but I wouldn’t go below 65 gallons myself. For an 8GPM I wouldn’t go below 100 gallons (personal preference here).


Words of wisdom, what he said.

Having been through all the silly beginner growing pains, I highly recommend you go ahead and get a skid mount belt drive of some flavor to start with. Direct drives are very limited in their abilities, you can grow some with a belt or gear drive.

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Hi and welcome to the forums.

You will need all kinds of fittings, cam locks, a Gun, maybe a ball valve, a lance is handy, a turbo is useful, then go and order some chems. When you think you have your chems, then come back and check and maybe order some more chems. All kinds of chems to get for all kinds of issues.

On a side note I prefer the 05 stang as it resembles the original more, I liked it so much I got a convertible one. Has about 31k on it now. It mainly collects dust in my garage.


just to start, direct drive 4400 4gpm …going to try downstream injection with black tip/pink tip.

Not what you want to do.

Do some good reading here.

Check out @TexasPressureWashing’s guide.

Are you using a built in injector or you added one like a GP High draw?

For a nozzle I’d recommend a JROD or M5DS. I prefer the M5DS. I also recommend a shooter tip.

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You don’t have anything, you have a junk draw scattered on a forum. Heaths put more effort into your startup venture than you have, do you see anything wrong with that? Lol.


adding a GP injector. Yes on the Jrod. I plan on building a 12v system, maybe 60 gal tank.

@00gtstang I told you the truth. How you process it is a personal thing I have no say in that.


Argue all you want. Leave the name calling and juvenile insults out of your replies please.


We have 130 gallon buffer tank. 4.0 gpm direct drive. 5.5 gpm pump in between. Is there anything else I need to know. We should have it set up Monday or Tuesday. But just don’t know if there are any extra things I need to know. Nervous to have it run on the same battery as our 12v soft wash system as well.

You’re replying to a three year old thread, probably should have started a new one.

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