Introduction / Starter Equipment

Hey Everyone,

I figured it was about time to give a quick introduction as I’ve been lurking for a couple months now. My name is Jared and I recently moved to west Michigan from Detroit. I love the community that has been established here, how active it is, and the clash of different personalities. Without sounding too cheesy - this forum has been an invaluable resource of information and I 100% respect you guys for your willingness to spread knowledge and help each other out. I used to be a warehouse manager for a frozen food manufacturer (pizza, breadsticks, calzones) and got my feet wet (pun intended) in pressure washing when I would surface clean my docks.

I’ve been a bit obsessed about pressure washing, learning everything I can - and have always wanted to start my own business, so I pulled the trigger and built a website, logo and purchased business cards, LLC and starting equipment a few weeks ago after a couple of months of research.

So far I’ve got:

  • Honda GX390 which drives a 4GPM, 4300 PSI belt driven GP pump
  • 100ft of flexzilla hose on a cheapo starting reel
  • 50ft grey pressure hose on a GP pressure hose real
  • 5:1 downstream injector

I plan on getting 150’ more pressure hose, surface cleaner and GL insurance before I do any jobs.

Now, here’s the kicker - I only have a hatchback Ford Fiesta right now and believe it or not, I can get my pressure washer in the back with a bit of muscle. I would sell it and get a van or truck, but Uber is my only source of income at the moment, so I’m going to try and make the Fiesta work until I get a part time job (hire me @Patriotspwashing ) or the pressure washing business picks up.

I’ll try and contribute to the forums and document any progress along the way.

If you guys have any questions or suggestions for me, please let me know.

Website -


Well you gotta start somewhere and at least your making the hustle good luck to ya . Welcome aboard


Good Luck! Grand Rapids is a nice area. Pretty concentrated with power washers though. I stay mostly Kalamazoo area, some Condos in Grand Rapids area. If our schedule gets behind and need some help I’ll gkve you a call. Don’t worry, ill let you drive one of my trucks lol

For real though, best of luck. Let me know if you need anything, especially if you get yourself in a pickle on a job site and need some advice or help.

Your close by to Hydro Chem, their expensive on the equipment side but have great soaps and great place to go for quick connects etc.

Call and talk to Chad, he can help you with questions on that kind of stuff


Thank you sir - I’d appreciate the call/experience. If I happen to land a gig that is a bit overwhelming for a single dude - I’ll do the same. Call in the cavalry.

I haven’t heard of Hydro Chem, so I’ll definitely check them out next week. Thanks for the heads up!

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Thank you - the Prius guy has nothing on me. Haha. @JBreezy



You can either rent a van somehow, or install a class 1 hitch and find an el-cheapo 3x5 trailer which shouldn’t weigh more than 5-600 pounds tops.


It can be done!

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Found this, your Fiesta wouldn’t even know it’s back there. Just outside Grand Rapids.



For sale locally.


Get that boy a Tacoma!


For Real, that is a money making machine!


I went to college in Houghton (UP) then when I graduated I lived in Grandville then Kentwood for a couple years and worked in GR. I loved Grabd Rapids. I miss being up there. Good luck on you’re new adventure bro.

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I forgot to mention, I also have all the basic window cleaning equipment - squeegees, poles, buckets, scrubbers and lots of Dawn :slight_smile:


I’ve actually considered this - may have to give it another look. I’m just worried about it becoming a money pit that becomes a big headache. I also only have on street parking at my place, so I’m not sure how that would work. I appreciate you doing some digging here - I’m starting to think that it will be inevitable to go the trailer route.

Thanks man, I appreciate it. Still learning the area - it’s a big city. Hope all is well with you as well.

That thing looks nice - they probably want a good amount for it though. Let me guess, $7k?

I’m in the same boat, had to get a small enclosed trailer for the PW stuff and my WC business resides in my Sienna. Sucks not having a secure place to store the equipment.


Welcome to the forum!


Rent or buy a small trailer is sound advice :+1:t2:

If you plan to sell that Fiesta, the damage you do between now and then will decrease it’s valve. Inevitable bumper scratches, interior plastics, carpet, roof liner etc.

Also, the chemicals and Uber customers are a bad combo :blush:

Curious - what’s the pump you have @4300psi?


I hear you - I would love to think that there will be a clear transition point between Uber and pressure washing, but it never works out that way. A utility trailer would be great if I had a spot to store it - on street parking is kinda forcing me to go the van route. I’ll look into storage units.

The pump is a General Pump HP4040 - specs say it’s rated for 4000 psi, but Water Cannon says it can do 4300 somehow.

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