Introduction / Starter Equipment

Man the parking is a bummer. That’s a nice car, too nice for hauling equipment into :frowning:

I hear ya though.

I have a van, I got it mainly because of space/parking and nowhere to put my stuff too.

It got old loading and unloading though - so I got an enclosed trailer eventually.

Hey, I noticed you don’t have a buffer tank in your list? That small hose you have for a bypass is giving you about 30-60 seconds off the trigger. Easy to go over and cause pump damage.

It’s probably one of the most important things you need mate :+1:t2:

(a K1 unloader would be the next thing to get!)

Have a great day @Jumbo :ok_hand:t2:


I’ve actually got a 35 gallon tank and plumbing in my cart - just need to figure out where to put it. Haha. I’ll check out the K1 unloader - my initial pressure is pretty high and when I let off the trigger, the engine surges for about 3-4 seconds. Not sure if that’s normal or if the unloader just needs to get broken in.

Did some initial testing today to see if I could run it from the car. My plumbing is tight, so no leaks - but I have a feeling the exhaust is going to wreak havoc on my interior after a few hours.

Why did you have to unload everything when you had your van?

Interesting - I had a good experience with Water Cannon. Does seem silly that they would advertise a higher psi than what the pump is rated, even if it does reach their advertised psi. I’ll check out the psi and report back if I find anything funny.

I don’t know what is real and what is pretend anymore.


I think many of the vendors do that? I’ve had 9ne purchase with them and it went smooth.

Maybe it’s the safety Officer in me… But running that motor in that car is eventually going to result in some good up in smoke pictures for us all to see. I mean if your looking for insurance to pay for a new rig you are on the right track lol. Good hustle though and A for effort! Gotta start somewhere. But I would pull that thing out each time.

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I think it’s pretend for the pics. No one would actually work out of that, much less show up at a job site like that.

Hey Jumbo,

Have you run the machine in the car yet?

Two things,

one - you can’t run the pump/engine on that 45° angle. I’m surprised it started due to the oil level sensor cut off.

two - fire/heat, fumes - you’ll destroy that car with all of those at some point. (There’s also the burst/leakage potential)

Don’t use it in there man, please :+1:t2:

Nope. That’s his machine in his Fiesta alright :open_mouth:


I mean, there was a guy on here recently with a van setup that people seemed okay with but I don’t think your Uber customers will appreciate the smell of exhaust, gas, bleach and acute Carbon Monoxide poisoning very much. Unless you get lucky and pick up a fellow pressure wash guy LOL


I ran it for about 10 seconds just to see how it would work. No worries - not doing it again.

IBS brings up a good point though - I have to keep my professional appearance in mind when showing up at jobs. Doesn’t matter how good of a job I do if all my Google reviews talk about how I struggled to get my damn pressure washer in the back of my Fiesta.


We are being awesomewashed.

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Will that Ford not accept a tow hitch? Uhaul will sell and install a tow hitch for you at a reasonable price. Then you just need a itty bitty trailer to mount your equipment. Then you can just rent a storage unit until you have other means.


Yikes - isn’t that an insult around here?

Yeah, it can - it will cost at least a grand to get the hitch, trailer and tags though and then another $100/mo for storage. Sounds like a lot of work and money for a bad look. I’m leaning towards scrapping the whole Fiesta/Uber deal and getting a van/part-time job.

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If you do choose to go that route I just have one suggestion: Don’t buy another Ford!

Just kidding. Well…sorta.

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As far as I can tell, your choices are:

…keep the Fiesta for Uber, but load the stuff in and out of the back each job. Protect the back somehow - wood/plastic/straps etc in the meantime.

…keep the Fiesta for Uber, get another job as well until you can save to do it a bit more professionally.

…sell the Fiesta, buy a car with a hitch already, keep Uber’ing and get a lockable enclosed trailer.

…sell the Fiesta, get a part time job and a van.

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So I just looked up a hitch for that thing and it is entirely different than any hitch I’ve ever seen so it probably is more expensive than what I’m thinking of.

If your jobs are sporadic right now, I’d consider renting a van for the time being. Please don’t show up to a job with your car anymore, that’ll just kill future referrals.

Years ago I was getting off the river after kayaking a couple hours, and I see this C5 Corvette pull up to the takeout point. It had the world’s shortest roofrack span, probably 12" apart. Somehow, the guy managed to put his 14’ recreational kayaks on the thing, tying down both ends to the bumpers. They were longer than the car.:flushed:

You know…used 1gen Siennas are pretty cheap, around here they run about $2000. Bonus if one has a hitch already.


So from this post I’ve learned Uber is like a taxi, thanks bing. Ford still makes a fiesta. If you say oranges slowly it sounds like gullible

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