Infinity Cleaning Mobile 3.0, aka Truck Norris

Please tell me more about jobsite naps , is that a new trend ??
I have never heard of such a thing…
Edit: I remember 25 years ago as a youngster I came straight to work from the nightclub and ended up curled in a ball in a cupboard wrapped in painting dropsheets nursing a massive hangover.
That was until my dad who was employing me at the time found me and gave me a good clip around the ear and put me back to work lol.


Get to be an OF like me, I can take them standing up while I’m rinsing.



I find I need them more for large/intricate window cleaning projects. It causes a particular drain on the system that a quick 10 or 15 minute cat nap seems to cure. :man_shrugging:

I don’t think I’ve ever had to nap during a day of pw’ing.

@Racer Rick, thanks for posting that pic of Patrick’s rig. I think most of those items will find a home in the long toolbox on the bed, but it still gives me some ideas.

If anyone else has pics of backseat storage solutions of any kind, feel free to dump them here. I’ll be doing rough assembly today (hopefully, if the rain holds off).

I got a couple of ideas for you, your rig build got me thinking about some changes I want to make after my ladder rack is done.

Since you want to keep your pole heads on your poles, think about the shovel holders with clamps. If they hold shovels/pickaxe/sledgehammer on work trucks I am sure they can hold a WFP with a brush.

think outside the box, and a rectangular area is going to make you plan in squares and rectangles. This will sound bizarre, but think of a lazy susan, fully accessing areas that you would have to reach over to grab the other item. I really think that the full extension drawers would be your best option, you can clip/bevel the drawers to give you added extension/leg room on your seat. People think drawers collect unused things, but I use a toolbox full of drawers, it adds organization and efficiency.

edit: I got a keyboard, internet access, and time today and tomorrow and the day after that because of snow and freezing temps. You could think of sliding shelves instead of drawers per se, either one large shelf or two shelves (one going out the drivers side and one out the passengers side). Just make sure to get the weight rated full extension slides that are zinc plated.

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IT looks like he covered his entire rear window. I can’t drive like that, of course I also don’t fill up my back window with stickers or flags either. I don’t even think that is legal in some states.

Progress update. Didn’t get as much done as I’d hoped, but it’s getting there.

Why I can’t do drawers. There’d be a whole lot of wasted space:

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Can’t see anything anyway with a skid unit back there. I see my water tanks which are jammed against the rear wall of truck.

I’ve got water tanks that completely obscure my back window. But I still can’t bring myself to cover the glass :grin:

I had something like that for 4-slice. One thing I didn’t care for though, is that the pole was exposed to UV all day, every day. Not great for the carbon fiber.

Thanks for dropping your ideas here. Keep ‘em coming :grin:

Point taken. I pull a trailer, but even with camper mirrors on my truck I still want the view out the rear window to see my load as I go down the road. Counterpoint to my argument is that in the professional hauling world you don’t see semi’s with rear windows very often.

Once again, I have snow on the ground and freezing temps so not doing anything. Having said that, here is what I learned today:

13. Will Sunlight Weaken Carbon Fibers?

Even though the carbon fibers themselves are not susceptible to UV damage, the resin used to bond carbon fibers together can be, meaning that your carbon fiber parts or frames could degrade over time, “in theory”.

Fortunately, carbon fiber manufacturers understand this problem, so they will often use UV-resistant resins and finish the surfaces off with UV protective lacquers meaning that you don’t need to worry any more.

My old pole definitely faded and oxidized more noticeably where they were exposed to sunlight. The carbon under the clamps stayed newer looking. I think with the amount of wear and tear I put my wfp’s through, any UV protection it has probably gets stripped off over time.

Doing some dry fitting of the shelves


New lettering going on today.

After seeing how the truck looked without any lettering, we decided that our new longterm goal will be to remove all lettering and just have the ∞ logo by itself. But that won’t probably be for another couple years. We still need the leads that are generated by people seeing the truck.

You’re going to rub holes in the neck of the seats

I don’t plan on keeping the seats that far back

What if you get a growth spurt, or I ride with you.

:joy:. I’ll be 33 in June. Only thing growing at this point is my waistline.

I’ll also do a roundover on all the edges. And I’ll be sanding & painting it all.

I made sure there’s enough space for the passenger seat to go most of the way back. I think anyone up to 6’2” or so should be ok riding shotgun.

You might wanna install a pool noodle on that 90 degree corner where its touching the seat.