Immigration and Border Wall Debate

Hi folks, Prager University has some interesting videos, one of which reminded me of a discussion we had here previously.

If you’re interested in educating yourself on propositions for a resolution, please watch this video


I miss listening to Krauthammer. He was one brilliant human being. He never let any tragic event in his life bring him down. His professors wanted him to dropout of med school when he was paralyzed. A few short days after his accident he had his textbooks brought to the hospital and never missed a beat. He graduated on time with his classmates.

I completely agree with everything he said in the video you posted.


Something to think about. If they did build a wall, wouldn’t said wall get dirty and need pressure washing? So, isn’t the wall a possible source of income for us? And it would be so large that companies could share it. We could even outsource the other side of the wall to a latino washing company and now we are building bridges and bringing people together. Which is what i think the wall is about. Bringing people together.


I am investing on a ladder company.
And forming an NGO for it.


Or you can invest in a residency application company that helps people apply in their mother tongue :stuck_out_tongue:

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It has been 11 million since 1990…:sunglasses:

Want a wall, … make it legal, tax it, … $10k per person.
Then you have your $110 billion to build a wall.
Or more since it is about 25million people

Prager is amazing, but this is not allowed

Smdh… people love taxes and government solutions that don’t work. I’ll never get why full grown men are afraid of big numbers, but refuse to acknowledge percentages. Or they’re afraid of people different from themselves? Immigration isn’t the problem people have built up in their mind.

It’s like clinging on to the confederate flag as heritage… change your FB photo and move on. There are actual problems in the country. Immigration doesn’t make it into the top 10.

The wall will be costly and ineffective and will be the reason your boy Trump doesn’t get re-elected. Then you’ll all whine and scream and complain that another Democrat is president. And if he’s black or it’s a woman… so much internal screaming from the right.

The wall is why I’ll likely be voting for a liberal president for the first time in my adult life. I think Trump has done some really great things, but bloody hell, this useless, expense wall makes me so angry I might vote liberal across the board out of spite. Lol


What’s not allowed?

Conversation about the wall and imagration. We know what happened last time!:rofl::rofl:


It wasn’t the subject that got the thread deleted, it was the spiteful comments, mostly.

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Yes, but wasn’t it the longest, most involved thread ever here? It left lots of people feeling that their feelings and opinions were not welcome in this public forum. It’s all good though. We move on. Lol

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I’ll take the blame for that conversation going South. (Not a pun. Kind of a pun.) However… there was a lot of lunacy in total on that one. This will be my last post on this one. Lol

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Okay, I haven’t posted on this topic previously because I am trying to remain neutral on the hot topics. But I do have a question.

If immigration is not an issue then why am I getting school newsletters home that have English on one side and Spanish on the other?

Why when I call the bank does it say “For English press 1, for Spanish press 2”

Why is “Spanish bilingual a plus” written in so many job postings?

We have two countries bordering us. One speaks French and has a thriving economy. One speaks Spanish and has a dreadful economy.

If immigration from a poor country wasn’t a problem I don’t think we would have so much Spanish in our daily lives.


Ok… this is my last post. Illegal immigrants total less than 3% of the total number of people in the United States. The rest are here legally.

If you hear on the news that 11 million illegal immigrants are bad and it strikes fear in your mind, now you see and hear Hispanic people and Spanish everywhere. But if the news were to say, 3% of the total makeup of people in the us are illegal immigrants would that be as alarming?

No. Because it’s a very small problem. If the news had to talk about illegal immigration in terms of percentage it wouldn’t even make the news.

My turn for a question: What about Spanish speaking people are you afraid of?

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The longest, most involved thread doesn’t necessarily mean that it added any value to the community.

I already stated that the content of the opinion was of no consequence. People share various opinions about a multitude of things on this forum from opinions of equipment to opinions on methods, opinions on vendors, opinions on guns, fishing equipment, government regulations, truck brands, boots, and just about everything under the sun. The way an opinion is shared is the issue, not the opinion.

This is a private forum that the public is invited to. The forum is created to enhance the community of power washing professionals and to provide value while also making a profit for the owners. Any content that is inconsistent with those goals is subject to scrutiny.

I hope that clarifies things for you.

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Oh boy. Here’s one “slow” Texan’s opinion on the matter. It’s really not as big of an issue as the media would have us believe. I spent the first half of my life in the Texas, you know, the state that borders Mexico and I never once had a family member lose a job or anything adverse happening that could be directly linked to an illegal immigrant. We began studying Spanish in first grade in Texas. It’s seen as a valuable career skill since Spanish is the second most spoken language in THE WORLD. It wasn’t because of all the Latino kids’ parents demanding it or anything like that.

I spent the second half of my life in Oklahoma. Same story. I worked in the oilfields of Western Oklahoma and West Texas. Never had any problems with the hombres. I now live in a place where there are loads of brown people. But, they aren’t Spanish speakers. I can carry a conversation with someone from Mexico City or Aguascalientes but I can’t seem to decipher HALF of what these folks around here are saying. They’re all legal citizens or on VISA here, too. They take more jobs from locals than any Mexicans have ever done. They receive preferential treatment and acceptance to college, too. Yet, nobody I know has a problem with them.

Do I believe in wide open borders? Of course not. Should they be heavily fortified with walls and men carrying guns on patrol? Naw. That’s just ridiculous. The worst we have to worry about with our brothers to the South is the drug trade. If the US would stop being stupid and legalize one or two of the drugs that these guys fight and kill over then that would severely cripple their profits and also help mitigate tainted drugs coming in.

That’s my take.


It’s not that we are SCARED, it’s the fact that it’s ILLEGAL, and no one seems to understand or acknowledge that. If someone come here breaking federal law, how the hell can you expect to follow the law afterwards. This will be my last post in this thread. (Only because I gotta get some sleep :rofl::rofl:).


Ah, the legality argument.

Marijuana is illegal on the Federal level.

Yet, over half of the country is cultivating, selling, smoking, eating and vaporizing millions of pounds of weed on a daily basis. And, the banks are backing them.

How can we persecute a group of people for not obeying our laws when we defy our own government?



Yes sir, everything is clear, I’m just VERY opinionated, on many man many things! Lol!!!

I also love voicing my opinions, and love even more reading everyone else’s!!! :grin::grin:

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