This should happen more.
Absolutely. The tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of Patriots and Tyrants.
Most people form an opinon then seek facts, instead of seeking facts to form an opinion.
It wasn’t your comments that were to blame. You stated an unconventional opinion and backed up with reasoning. Right or wrong that’s just good discussion.
It’s actually all immigration that concerns me. Especially immigrants whose skill set sets them up to be at or below the poverty line.
There are arguments to be made by both sides. We are ALL immigrants after all, but I think the time of “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” is over.
The immigrants I’ve met both legal and illegal have been the most hard working people I’ve met.
Just straight up saying that it’s bad that we offer banking services in the second most spoken language in the country? Cool. Good thing you weren’t born in Switzerland, there’d be 4 or 5 language options when you call the bank and you might have an aneurysm.
Also newsflash as someone who speaks fluent french there are plenty of jobs on the northern border that require or strongly desire french proficiency.
All who are against the wall, will change their minds when the issue directly affects themselves. Im in Tx, ive been around, I know whats what, and that anybody is capable of some really bad things. I would rather not wait until whats going on in the border wars becomes commonplace. Maybe I’m ignorant on stats, but those dont really mean much since they arent really accurate anyway. By all means go into a major mexican border town, not American side, and introduce yourself, let them know how your not afraid of them.
My ancestors were here loooooooooong before anyone else. So, get out of MY country!
Just kidding. Obviously.
This seems like a dangerous conversation to have. Let’s talk about religion instead!!
Lol. Id like to think everything will be fine. Maybe if we stopped arming the cartels, things would get 1% better.
I’ve been to border towns on both sides. Poverty is a horrible thing and it makes people do wild, desperate things. But, to act like it’s only happening in the South is ludicrous. Hell, Chicago is celebrating because they only have 50 homicides so far this year. For them that’s a great statistic–and accurate to boot.
I had numerous hands in the oilfield who were bonified MS13 gang members from El Salvador. I wasn’t afraid of them nor did they fear me. We had a mutual respect because we all worked hard all day everyday. These guys were killers in their former lives and when they finally manned up and got their act together they immigrated to the US and had zero run ins with the law. They raised families, attended church, paid taxes, etc. They were grateful for the opportunities they had over here. Unlike many natural citizens.
The moral of that story is that no two people are the same and experiences differ but to cast judgment on an entire race or nationality based on the actions of the few is absurd and narrow minded.
This is a little much:
If I’m conservative, how can I not feel that you just called me a racist and a misogynist? This is why I try to only talk about PRESSURE WASHING. If I’ve got to blow off liberal steam i go to The Liberal Forum. If I’ve got conservative gripes I go to the Conservative Forum. I bet there’s even a Hairless Cat Forum. We all have very strong opinions and it’s very tough to unring the bell once it’s out there in print.
Edit: Nothing against Shertz’s cat, just trying to inject some levity
I wrote that Im aware that anybody can do bad things. Im glad everything has worked out for you. Im largely hispanic, so I dont believe Im being racist in any way. Maybe trying to preserve the American way of life.
I’m not saying it’s bad, I’m saying it stems from an immigration problem. We in the United states actually have more spanish speakers than Spain.
Think about why that is.
Me too actually We had a nice cozy spot on the edges of Oklahoma.
Well that’s kind of a meaningless statistic
- The US is over 6x the population of Spain.
- Spain’s percentage of the world’s Spanish speakers is less than 5%.
I just want to know:
Is Trump really smart and playing stupid?
Is Trump really dumb and lucky?
The wall is stupid. Now back to washing in the snow