If I did offend you or anyone else in my earlier post… then please accept my apologies.
I really enjoy this forum as you are all a great bunch of guys with a wealth of knowledge which I understand takes years of experience to acquire.
I will keep reading and learning and maybe hold back on some posts if I feel I do not have the necessary knowledge or experience. I want to earn the respect of you PW veterans as I greatly respect you all.
My m5 twist nozzle produces 500 psi. The tip for 1500 psi is much smaller. I’m basically running the equivalent of a garden hose on shower mode with really good water pressure and 8gpm. Sometimes I will rinse with a #20 tip which for my machine equates to about 1000 psi if I want more pressure to remove stubborn things on some surfaces.
Thanks Aussie for your condolences. It was really tough losing my only brother at age 52. He was so fit and was taken from us far too soon. Bless his soul RIP Bro!
I wouldn’t know about that.
I drink black coffee.
“… blackity black, black. Filled with blackness. Devoid of all light. Think of the blackest thing you can imagine and double that blackness and take a black magic marker and fill in the gaps and put that into a black rocket ship and shoot that into the depths of black space and close your eyes and use that as a reference.”
Why do you think weep holes are placed at the bottom of vinyl, and how the heck do you get the chems off of the house with a soft wash system? I’m eager to learn, young teacher, but based on the snarky response to one of the best who ever did it (yes, I occasionally prefer a different practice on specific cleaning applications than @Innocentbystander ) you need to sit your bottom back in the student’s seat and shut the heck up. Just my opinion, sorry if I stepped on your toes.
If their is dirt, water, and sun, their will always be demand for PW. Honestly, idk how the word “Soft Washing” came to be unless @Innocentbystander is right about it being made from chemical vendor companies to advertise to us.
If the words “Pressure Washing” scares people, what other word(s) can we use to brand ourselves?