How to stop oil leak on gear box

My gear box is leaking oil where it meets the engine. When I put it on the was no gasket. Do I need a gasket where it meets the engine?

Mine came already attached so I’m not positive but I imagine there’s either a gasket or seal. More than likely it’s a seal. Maybe @MuscleMyHustle knows for sure. Either way you’ll need to get it taken care of though. What’s the model number of the gear drive? Maybe we can dig up a parts diagram and find what you need. Should be an easy fix if it is just a gasket or seal.

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Theres an oring.

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I believe I asked on here when I was building that machine someone said they don’t need gaskets. It doesn’t leak bad. But my skid is always wet with oil.

#15 is it. Im sure some gasket maker would work tooi if iyou cure it a bit before installing


That was between the gear drive and engine where it doesn’t need a gasket. Your leak is between the pump and gear drive.

Mine didn’t come with an o-ring from envirospec. Makes sense. I will contact them and see if I should of got one.

My leak is between gear drive and engine.

I think you said in your first post it’s leaking where it meets the pump. You don’t need a gasket between the gear drive and engine. Your oil seal on your engine crankshaft might be leaking.

I don’t know if the o-ring was there when I installed it, thinking back. Only one way to find out.

There a 2 O-rings one on the adapter plate to the pump and another O-ring on the bellhousing of the pump. It’s important to evenly tighten the bolts to crush the gasket properly and evenly and lube before putting it on.

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No I didn’t. Go look. :flushed:
Your right. I changed it to gearbox and engine. Sorry for the confusion.

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Changing the O-rings is a quick fix no pully pullers required :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


There isn’t an o-ring between the engine and gear drive, correct? Only between pump and gear drive or adapter plate? If he’s getting oil leaking between the engine it has to either be the crank seal on the engine or seal on the gear drive, right?

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That is correct there is no other sealing after the bellhousing, the next possible leak can only be the crank seal.

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Isn’t there some sort of seal on the gear box where the engine crank slides in? I’ll call it the female crank because I don’t know what it’s called…lol

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I guess the easy way to find out is see if your oil level is low or your gear box oil.


all the oil that that the gear drive holds is between those 2 seals that is what they are sealing. If a gear drive leaks there is only 3 ways it can come of out the first seal, the second seal or the drain bung.

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What aren’t I seeing then? I haven’t had to pull mine apart yet so haven’t seen the inside. Just seems like with the gear box “female” crank having to turn it seems like it has to have a seal. It obviously runs from the outside to the gears on the inside where the gear oil is. Is there a seal further in or something? I guess I’m looking at it like it’s similar to a crank on an engine.

This isn’t a gear drive just an old 5 gpm pump. Behind the “female” crank there’s a seal that keeps the pump oil from leaking out around the female crank. I’ll leave it alone after this. I just like learning how everything works.

Ther is already a seal there from factory that you don’t have to install it’s already there, I should have worded it more differently, the oil is between THAT seal and the adaptor plate on the pump.

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