Help with nature stone cleaning

A customer wants me to clean their nature stone patio. What chemical do you guys use. Is it ok to use a surface cleaner. Any help or tips is appreciated.

Got a pic?

No i forgot to take one. Its that mostly brown and a little bit of white pebbles that is all sealed together. People use it a lot for garages and basements. Is that what you were asking or did you ask for a picture to see how dirty it is.

Both. That doesn’t sound like natural rock. Usually you can either softwash or use surface cleaner if not too rough. Don’t want to break your SC.

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This is what it looks like being installed. Its all epoxied together.

Ive done those before. They can take surface cleaner but you might dislogde those little rocks/pebbles. Also note the ones ive done were placed for many years so they had cured well.

If the have algae or moss you should pre -treat with as strong mix as needed

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That appears to just be a version of an aggregate driveway or walk…Racer is correct about how to handle.

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It’s exposed aggregate. This thread should help
Is There an Effective Way to Clean This Aggregate with River Rock?

I just did one today, entrance to a tire store. In pretty bad shape, too many pebbles bouncing around when I tried my surface cleaner, even at reduced flow and pressure. Just ended up soft washing it, turned out good.


Roof mix, dwell, rinse ?